Monday, August 20, 2018

denim on denim: dos and don'ts

Denim never goes out of style. This enduring material has made it possible for a casual outfit to look totally fashion forward. From denim jeans to jackets, vests, shirts, shorts, and everything else you can imagine...denim is everywhere. So, it should come as no surprise that one of the hottest fashion trends right now is denim on denim. Wearing multiple denim pieces at once can give you a look that is bold and in your face. Unfortunately, it can also make you look like you fell into a pit of denim fabric. Want to rock the denim on denim trend? You can! With this handy list of dos and don’ts, you can make sure you’re always wearing it right.

Do: Wear Different Shades of Denim

One of the most important things to do when wearing denim on denim is to choose pieces with a different wash. This is true if you’re wearing dark blue, light blue, or black. There needs to be a difference between each of the pieces you’re wearing. For instance, if your denim shorts are a dark wash, then be sure to pair it with a lighter denim button down shirt. It is the perfect combination! By creating contrast with the colours, you’ll look stylish and fashionable.

Don’t: Wear Coloured Denim on Denim

These days, denim comes in many different shades. There are purples, pinks, greens, reds, and more. Yes, denim comes in every colour of the rainbow. That is great – except when you are trying to wear denim on denim. To make this trend look totally stylish, don’t wear coloured denim together. Chances are, you won’t look fashionable with all of those different shades going on. The end result will likely look messy and thrown together.

Do: Wear Neutral Accessories With Your Denim on Denim Ensemble

When you’re rocking denim on denim, you don’t want your accessories to pull the focus. Bulky or statement pieces can actually look overwhelming. That is why you want to wear neutral accessories to create a polished and sophisticated look. Go through your closet to find things like a nude pair of heels, a simple brown belt, or a pair of silver studs. With so much going on in the rest of your outfit, your accessories give you the chance to tone it down and create a chic finished product.

Don’t: Wear All Denim Everything…Ever

Here’s the thing: denim on denim can look great. When you overdo it, though, denim on denim can look a little ridiculous. So, even if you own a ton of denim, resist the urge to throw it all on at once. That means don’t wear a denim skirt, button down shirt, jean jacket, and denim purse on the same day. It simply won’t be flattering to wear it all together. Choose each piece carefully and really pay attention to what works together.

Other Denim on Denim Tips:
  • Skip wearing denim on denim at the office or to a special event. Denim by nature appears more casual, so leave this trend as a daytime look or wear it out on a night out with friends.
  • Avoid pairing regular denim wash with a piece that has acid wash, super faded areas, or colour treated pieces. They are much harder to wear together.
  • Try to look for fitted denim pieces whenever possible. That way, your outfit won’t look as bulky, heavy, or overwhelming.

Denim is always a good look – and denim on denim can be, too. It’s all about knowing what works and what doesn’t. Don’t stress! Now that you know the dos and don’ts of denim on denim, you can put together the perfect outfit.

Are you a fan of this trend? Share your own tips in the comment section below!


  1. Nice tips. I do agree that denim on denim can look tacky if the pieces are not selected well but it is certainly such a lovely way to style denim with the looks in the post. Love how each person has interpreted the trend in their own way.

    1. Totally agree with you about the different looks shown in this post. There are tons of fabulous ways to wear denim on just takes a little attention to detail!

  2. Hello Shannon, great post. I find denim on denim a great combination if one is able to pull it off. Never tried, i find it tricky. Kisses

    1. It really is! Though denim on denim isn't something that I wear often...I always feel amazing when I put together the perfect look :)

  3. Love the tips - very useful .

  4. I say yes! Great selection, cool ideas!
    Kisses, Paola.


  5. Great post and great selection. I really love to wear denim. :)
    Check my new post:

  6. Since I love denim so much, I really like this article ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭*

    Blog de la Licorne

  7. Great tips as always, Shannon:) I'm a big fan of denim, and denim-on-denim is such a great look but you're right...u have to kinda know how to pair them to make it work. The Canadian tuxedo will never go out of style:D
    PS One pet peeve of mind is seeing denim on weddings though. I don't care if it's a denim dress...peeps gotta ban jeans on weddings!

    1. Haha, you are right...the Canadian tuxedo is forever! But oh my gosh, I totally agree with you about weddings. That is one place where denim is a no no, in my opinion.

  8. Replies
    1. So glad you thought so! Thank you for reading :)

  9. Great post!! I love denim but I totally agree that all denim everything is too much!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. For sure! It can be totally overwhelming. Thank you so much for all your support!

  10. Nice post

  11. I don't really like this trend to be honest. I really like this post and a lot of people should read it before deciding how to wear denim. When i wear it make sure it's just one piece of my clothing, nothing more. I totally agree that everything denim is a huge no.
    I love your blog. :)♥

    There's a new post on my blog, check it out if you want! ♥

    1. That's totally okay! There are plenty of trends that I am not a fan of....I just happen to enjoy denim. Thank you for all your support! I really appreciate it!

  12. I love Denim and first outfit is great! :)
    My Fifty Shades Fashion Blog

  13. I used to be a bit skeptical about wearing denim on denim, but now love it so much.

    1. Same! I was so hesitant but now I see how gorgeous it can be.

  14. Hello,

    So lovely !

    Jessica Blantonh,

  15. Great post! I really love denim, but sometimes I am not a big fan of denim on denim fashion, it has to be really good looking combination and outfit! :)


    1. I totally hear you on that. It has to be done right, for sure.

  16. For me is a big yeeees :)

  17. Wow, looks interesting!


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