Friday, August 10, 2018

lost your passion? motivational tips and tricks

Sometimes, it is important to slow down. Our society is so focused on getting things done, writing to do lists, and racking up as many accomplishments as possible. After a while, you start to feel bogged down by all the pressure. It can be exhausting when you are constantly trying to do it all and put your best foot forward. It is no wonder an estimated 77% of people experience physical symptoms caused by stress. That doesn't have to be true for you! If you are stressed, tired, and have lost the motivation to do what you really want.....take a deep breath. These tips and tricks will help you re-fuel your passion and live a happier life.

Put Things Into Perspective. One of the worst things we can do is compare our progress to others. There is no easier way to feel like a failure than to browse your Facebook or Instagram feed. So-and-so from college landed her dream job. An old friend posts picture after picture of her smiling happy face. It can seem impossible to keep up. So, don’t. Instead of comparing and competing…. put things into perspective. Think about the progress you have made toward reaching your goal. Maybe you landed an internship at a great company or you have stepped up your networking. Perhaps you smiled at a stranger or struck up a conversation with someone new. Every step forward is a good one. Remembering that will help you find your passion and push through slow periods.

Take on a DIY Project. You don’t need to be crafty or hands on to tackle a do it yourself project. It might seem silly to create aninspiration board, re-stain an old table, enjoy an adult colouring book, or turn your old jacket into a vest. However, creative projects are good for us. They actually boost our overall mood and give us a sense of accomplishment. Those feelings might be all you need to feel strong, capable, and motivated again. Without the pressure of the everyday tasks that often lead to stress and feelings of inadequacy. Try looking online for fun DIY projects or see what at-home tasks you can tackle. Even a half hour of creative time can make a huge difference. 

Remind Yourself of Those Long-Term Goals. We all have dreams. Sometimes they seem impossible and totally out of reach and that is when our passion tends to fade. Do your best to remind yourself of those  goals and why they are important to you. Read old journal entries, talk to a friend, or write out a list. You can even put a post-it note on your mirror! Focusing on what you want is sometimes all it takes. It gives you the opportunity to realize just how much those dreams mean to you…. and how determined you are to make them happen.

Other Motivational Tips: Still not feeling motivated? Don’t worry, there are a few other ways to re-ignite the passion. Smile, spend time with driven people, get inspired by nature (there are plenty of incredible sights to enjoy during the summer months), and focus on accepting where you are right now. And remember to live in the moment and express gratitude for all that you have!

Life is full of ups and downs. Maybe you have aspirations of stardom, career success, or starting a family. The key to turning your goals into a reality is to stay motivated. Never give up, hold your head up high, and love where you are.

How do you stay motivated? Share your own tips and tricks in the comment section below.


  1. What a fabulous post!! It is tough to stay motivated sometimes. Your tips are wonderful!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. It is, for sure! We all have those difficult days. Thank you so much for all of your support. Have a wonderful weekend, lovely!

  2. Great tips. Sometimes I feel down and feel low too. And then I always remind myself why I need to hustle and get things done!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Sometimes that is all it takes! That mental reminder can make a world of difference.

  3. That's right. We have to keep motivated to reach our goals. Very nice tips dear. I'm glad I come to your blog :) right now, I'm making a diary project on my blog. Write everything that has already happen in the past which I miss most or hard to forget. By this, I hope I can keep a track of what already happen in my life and see that I do have a nice journey instead of always comparing to other people :)

    1. Oh wow, I think that is such a wonderful idea! It is nice to focus on the things you have done and accomplished...rather than on the things other people have done in their lives. What a fabulous project!

  4. Love these tips my dear! <3

  5. What a great post, the tips are great :)

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well :)

  7. Great post! Love it ♥

  8. This article is so inspirational and helpful! Thank you for these tips :)


    1. Oh, that makes me happy! So glad you thought so :)

  9. What a great post, so inspiring! (:
    Thanks for sharing, I'm following you!

    CM | XIII.

    1. Thank you so much for the support! Following you back :)

  10. Such great tips, thanks for sharing dear! Happy Sunday <3

    1. Thank you very much! I hope you had an awesome day :)

  11. Great tips! I should focus more on my long term goals, I have a few but got distracted too often!

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Oh, I hear you on that! It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day and lose sight of those important long-term goals.

  12. Hello :) I love these kind of posts, they are so helpful.
    I agree with all your tips, it's important to live the moment and focus on the goals
    you want to accomplish! i hope you have a nice day :) kisses!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. So glad it was helpful to you! Thank you for everything <3

  13. awesome tips! I am currently struggling with motivation, it's hard to find any lately. Thanks doll!

    1. I hear you! Sometimes, it comes and goes. Re-focusing your mind can be super helpful. So glad this was helpful to you :)


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