Thursday, August 16, 2018

review week: pixi + dulce candy (cafe con dulce multi-use palette)

Who doesn't love a collaboration? Pixi is a drugstore brand that has long been a popular choice for beauty gurus and makeup lovers alike....and Dulce Candy is a popular YouTuber and influencer. The two teamed up to release the Cafe con Dulce Multi-Use Palette, which offers a blend of glow boosting face products. With twelve shades to choose from, large pans of product, and plenty of shimmer, this is a palette that stands out among other drugstore offerings. So, how does Cafe con Dulce actually perform? And is it worth the $28 price tag? It is time to find out....

Pixi + Dulce Candy: Packaging 

There are many face and cheek palettes in my collection but out of all of them, this has to be the largest. The Cafe con Dulce palette is a pretty decent size and has twelve shades in total. Each pan is large enough to fit a blush brush with ease, which is a feature that I really enjoy. (There is nothing worse than a blush set that is so small, your brush hits the pan next to the one you are trying to use!) Though the size of the Pixi palette and the products themselves is great....the actual packaging is pretty sub par. It is made of cheap green plastic and the names of the shades are printed on the back rather than underneath the actual shades. The casing is flimsy and doesn't have a luxurious feel whatsoever. Considering that this palette costs close to thirty dollars, I expected a little bit more. 

Swatches and Colour Selection

As you can see from the swatches above, some of these have an awful lot of colour payoff. While originally, I thought this palette was more of a highlight collection, this is more of a highlight-blush-bronzer collection. The first three shades are pigmented highlights, the middle three are soft shimmery blushes, and the last three are bronzers. What I really enjoy is the level of pigmentation these have. Each one performs well, has a ton of shimmer and shine, and looks beautiful on the skin. This is called a multi-use palette and it definitely earns that title! For instance, that darkest bronze shade, I tend to use on my eyes rather than my cheeks. You can customize this based on your skin tone as well as the look you are trying to create. It is versatile and the shade selection is beautiful. 

Texture and Overall Thoughts

Something really unique to this palette is the texture of each shade. While most face products fall into the categories of powder or liquid, these seem to fall somewhere in between. Though they are technically powder products, these have almost a wet feel to them. This texture makes that intense pigmentation level possible, which is definitely a plus. My only concern is how long that texture will last. Will these dry out over time? How will that affect the colour payoff? Perhaps one day in the future, I will do another review of this set and keep you updated on the long-term! 

Overall, this is a solid set with a lot of promise. The texture is impressive, the pigmentation is solid, and the size of the pans is wonderful. That being said, the packaging cheapens the overall look and feel of an otherwise enjoyable makeup release. 

Rating: 3.5/5

Have you tried the Pixi + Dulce Candy palette? What did you think of it?


  1. Great post and review, this palette is so beautiful. :)
    Check my new post

  2. Wow, the colors are all so stunning!! What a fabulous post!! Beautiful photos, too!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Aww thank you very much! There are definitely a lot of beautiful shades.

  3. I love the post:)
    Have a nice day, dear!

  4. Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again.
    Premium Pens online

  5. This shades are really beautiful, too bad they got 3.5 out of 5 rating. :) |

    1. Honestly, it really was just for the packaging. The shades themselves are really beautiful!

  6. I didn't even know she has a collection with Pixi! Thanks for the heads up, Shannon:) With that being said, that's too bad about the packaging. I do like the sizes of the shades though, and great to hear they have great pigmentation. You look awesome in that pic above:)
    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. PS Thank you so much for always posting such lovely comments on my post:) You rock!

    2. Yeah, the packaging was such a letdown especially since the product itself is so lovely. Thank you for everything!! <3

  7. Cute collab I love that it's just a bit shimmery.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you! Hope you are having a great weekend as well :)

  9. Nice post


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