Saturday, September 1, 2018

become a happier healthier you

It is a new month. The summer season is winding down and the official start date for fall is a just few short weeks away. Are you looking for a fresh start? A chance to re-focus your mind and feel like your very best self again? Often when we start to transition from one season to the next, our emotions are all over the place. We struggle with those sleepy mornings and regular routines. It doesn't have to be that way. It is possible to make positive changes and achieve a balanced lifestyle. Here are a few ideas to help you become happier and healthier.

Spend Time Outdoors. Fresh air is good for you. Which is why it is so important to spend time outdoors every now and again. Ditch the Netflix and chill mentality and embrace all the beauty that nature has to offer. Think of green grass with dew drops, crisp morning air, and flowers in bloom. Put away your smart phone, turn off your tablet, and leave your laptop at home. This is your chance! Spend an hour or so going for a walk, strolling through a local park, taking a hike, or going for a bike ride. Taking time to connect to nature is a wonderful opportunity to clear your head and get inspired.

Find Exercise That Excites You. Some people love to be active day in and day out. Others struggle to find a form of exercise that they enjoy. Do you fall into the latter category? That’s okay. Use that as an excuse to try out a ton of different physical activities. From weight lifting (which can boost your muscle tone and help rev up your metabolism) to spin class, yoga, tai chi, running, biking, workout DVDs, zumba, aerobics, boxing, or rock climbing…. there are plenty of exciting options. Be adventurous. Try new things. Then find a form of exercise that you actually like to do.

Remove Negativity From Your Life. You have heard it a million times before. Life is too short. Well, it is! Why spend your days wishing for the weekend? Feeling unhappy? Do what you can to remove negativity from your life in whatever way you feel comfortable. That might be a toxic friendship (sometimes people take you for granted or put you down), a romantic relationship (if someone is not making you happy and is not willing to work on it...consider making a change), or a job that drains you of joy (it is never too late to try something new). Remember: you deserve to be happy. Surround yourself with positive uplifting people and do what you love as often as possible. 

More Ideas To Become Happier and Healthier:
  • Give yourself a creative outlet. It is important to have a fulfilling way to express yourself. That might be through photography, painting, sketching, blogging, or scrapbooking. Find something you enjoy doing and do it.
  • Get enough sleep. Staying up late night after night is not a good thing. (Whether you are trying to meet a deadline or catch up on your favourite show.) Try to hit the hay a little earlier than usual. Why? Sleep rests your mind so you can be more productive the next day. It also repairs your muscles.
  • Step away from social media. These days? So much of our time is spent on social media. If we aren’t tweeting, we are Facebook-ing. If we aren’t Facebook-ing, we are Instagram-ing. Give yourself a break for at least a few hours each day. Doing this can help you feel relaxed and more connected to the world around you.

Those are just a few ways that you can start living a happier and healthier life. Do you have any suggestions to share? Sound off in the comment section below.

How do you stay happy and healthy? Are you excited for fall?


  1. Great post dear! I agree with you about exercises; workout is amazing way to elevate your mood, thanks to serotonin hormone! :)

    Hello September, surprise me!

    1. It is, for sure! Definitely an important way to feel good.

  2. Great tips, I will try a few of them ;) I love exercising. Social media detox is my goal for September.

    1. I love that social media is on your list for September. That is a wonderful goal!

  3. Your tips are fabulous!! Exercise is my favorite way to boost my mind and spirits!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Same! I like to mix up my workout depending on my mood, but I think aerobics is my favourite. :)

  4. I'm not really looking forward to fall, but your idea of being more outdoors really resonated. I tend to hibernate like a bear when it gets colder, and I must really change that! I also agree about spending less time on social media. I really only do Twitter now, but even then, I think I can cut back on that too.
    Hope you're having a Labour Day weekend:)

    1. Same! I think now is definitely the time to get outside as much as possible...before it becomes too cold to do that properly! I've been trying to minimize my social media presence and the amount of time that I'm on it. It was hard at first but now I find it liberating. I hope you had a great Labour Day weekend as well!

  5. ;)

    Acho difícil ser saudável! hehehe!

    Ótimo sábado!

    Beijo! ^^

  6. Great post

  7. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!

  8. I agree with all your tips! specially with doing exercise and finding a hobby such as blogging, sketching, etc.!
    kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Yes! Blogging and sketching are wonderful hobbies :)

  9. Post inspirational, I need to start doing more exercise dear.

    1. Thank you so much! It's hard to get into some days, but working out is definitely rewarding.

  10. Replies
    1. Same! It can be tough but is so important to focus on.


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