Monday, September 24, 2018

beginner series: finding the perfect foundation

Everyone makes mistakes. From second dates to fading trends and even makeup, missteps happen to the best of us. I can clearly recall my very first makeup mistake. (Only I didn’t know it was a mistake at the time!) My liquid eyeliner was so thick it could have doubled as an eyeshadow. It a lot. There are many beauty blunders you may face yourself, especially when it comes to foundation. Both beginners and experienced beauty buffs can slip up on their product choices. Make sure you aren’t one of them! It is time to find the perfect foundation for you.

Choose The Best Formula For Your Skin Type

Do you suffer from dry skin? Oily areas? A flaky forehead and oily cheeks? Everyone has their own skin issues to deal with. These issues play a large role in the skincare products (like an acne-focused face wash or a hydrating cucumber mask) and moisturizer you use on a daily basis…. so why would your foundation be any different? The formula you choose can make your skin look flawless or make problem areaas more noticeable.

For dry skinned beauties, always choose a liquid foundation. This formula is less likely to make flakes and dry patches worse. Ideally you should stay away from matte foundations. Instead, look for something dewy and natural. Like a tinted moisturizer, BB Cream, or a foundation designed for dry skin. Those products offer more moisture – which will make your skin look radiant.

Have oily skin? Then your best bet is an oil-free foundation, powder foundation, or a cream foundation. These formulas tend to be slightly more drying than your standard liquid foundation. Why is that important? Your skin is less likely to look oily or greasy at the end of the day. To really combat oil, finish off your foundation with a pressed powder and always bring blotting papers with you.

Now for combination skin. This one can be tricky to deal with. Especially since you have to deal with a little bit of everything. Thankfully, there are foundations specifically designed to deal with combination skin. Choose one of those and your skin will look absolutely gorgeous. Another option is to mix and match your foundations. Or you can always turn your attention to moisturizing dry areas prior to your foundation application.

Find The Right Foundation Shade By Testing

Another beauty blunder? Choosing the wrong foundation shade for your skin tone. This can be pretty tricky to get right, especially if you are just getting started with makeup. It doesn’t matter if you are buying makeup in a store or are shopping for a foundation online. Mistakes happen! Maybe the colour looked like a perfect match but wasn’t…. or maybe the product oxidized on your skin as the day went on. There is a reason so many of us struggle to find the right shade. How can you avoid choosing the wrong colour? Proceed with caution.

Buying the first foundation you come across is not a great idea. If you are heading to a drugstore, make the most of testers. Put a small amount of the product onto your jaw line. (Avoid your hands, as they are often not the same shade as your face.) Look in the mirror or bring along a friend. Does the colour match? Great! Go outside and look again. Sometimes natural lighting can make a foundation look totally different. Once you have done that, you will know whether to go lighter or darker. Buying higher end makeup? Ask an employee to match your skin colour to a product. Places like MAC and Sephora are great for this and it doesn't cost extra. 

Still feeling overwhelmed by foundation colours? Let the product do all the work. More and more shade-matching foundations and colour detecting BB Creams are hitting the shelves. From Almay to Revlon, you have options. Simply apply your foundation and the product will adapt itself to your skin colour. Easy, right?

Forget foundation mistakes. With these tips by your side, shopping for foundation will be easier than ever. How do you find the right foundation? Share your tips below....


  1. Finding the perfect foundation for your skin is so important. I definitely like to test the foundation on my skin before buying it.

    1. Yes, that really helps! It is so important to find a good match.

  2. I love this brand, great beauty products!
    Kisses, Paola.


  3. fajny post, obserwuje i zapraszam do mnie

  4. Foundation is still a struggle to me, it's very hard to find a proper one. and I love NARS cosmetics

    1. For sure. It can still be tough to find the perfect match but testing definitely makes a big difference!

  5. Nice post

  6. I really like the foundations that I usually take clear :)
    If you want we can follow us on Instagram
    My Instagram

  7. Thanks for these amazing tips ;) This post is really helpful.


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