Saturday, September 29, 2018

change your home decor for fall.

Nothing stays the same forever. Except home décor, it seems. While many of us are quick to change our wardrobes…we often fail to alter to our living spaces. Everything is set up how you like it, so why redecorate. Sound familiar? Well, there is one very good reason to make a change. This is your chance to embrace the magic, warmth, and wonder of the fall season. Liven up each and every room in your home with a few small (and affordable) modifications. These ideas are all you need to get started.

Try Out a DIY Project. The weather is getting chilly, so spend some inside. This is the perfect time to work on a fun do it yourself project on your own or with a loved one. There are many ways to liven up your space. Like collecting leaves and using them as a template. Lay the leaves on a plain piece of paper or cardstock. Grab a can of spray paint and spray around the edges. Remove the leaves and you will be left with some seriously beautiful leaf art. Other DIY ideas include: decorating mason jars with ribbon and pinecones (it could be a gorgeous centrepiece or a fabulous candle holder) and making your own scented candles. Look for items you have lying around at home…and give them a fun fall twist.

Add In Fall Themed Extras. Don’t want to make major changes? That is totally okay. Just focus on the details! Change the colour of your throw pillows (orange, red, yellow, or green are all great options for the fall season as they mimic fall foliage), add fresh flowers to your kitchen table, decorate with pumpkin shaped accent pieces (these can be found just about anywhere. Dollar store included) or light an apple-scented candle. You can also change the pictures you have hanging on your walls. Something fall themed – a picture of your favourite city in fall – will bring the beauty of the season indoors. These small extras can dramatically impact your space. 

Change Out Your Bedding. There is no denying it: the temperatures are dropping. That means changing out lighter bedding for something a little heavier. You are ultimately looking for blankets and sheets that are thicker. Simply making the switch to that warmer bedding can give your bedroom that unforgettable fall look…. but you get bonus points if your bedding is in a warm fall shade. Something else to change? Your curtains. Know those light and airy window treatments you enjoyed all summer long? Say goodbye. The cold weather is coming fast, so be prepared. Hang heavier curtains instead. Since the material is thicker they are much better insulators. Aim for curtains that compliment your fall colour scheme. Your room will pop and you will be nice and toasty.

There is something special about the fall season. So why not bring that magic indoors? You can with these simple fall décor ideas. Whether you are buying new pieces or DIY-ing it…. every room in your home will shine.

Will you change up your home decor this season?


  1. These are great tips! Fall is one of my favorite seasons to decorate my house for! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Same! I just love the beautiful decor at this time of year.

  2. I like decorating my room depends on season. DIY projects are the best :)

  3. Great home decor Ideas
    New Post :- Love at first sight

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate it.

  5. ;)

    Boas dicas! Aqui no Brasil estamos na Primavera.

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

  6. Love your review as always ))

  7. Your post is a good reminder for me, because I forgot about the decoration.. :$ That happens if you don't want summer to be over yet. :)

    P&P style ♡ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ♡

    1. Haha, that totally makes sense! It is always hard to move from one season to the next.

  8. Lovely post dear

    ♥ ★ ♥ ♥ ★ ♥


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