Thursday, September 13, 2018

current obsession: radiance spin-care system

It hasn't been an easy road. Transforming my skin care routine has taken a lot of time and effort. For years, my goals were to improve my skin care routine, be more consistent, and remember to take my makeup off before bed. And for years, it just wouldn't happen. I don't know what changed exactly. This past year has been one of massive transformation on a personal level - and perhaps taking care of my skin just fell in line with the positive changes in my life! Whatever the reason, my current skin care routine is one I feel good about. I am using quality products, am consistently making good choices, and can see noticeable changes. One of the more recent additions to my routine is the Radiance Spin-Care System from Duvolle.

At first, I wasn't sure if I would enjoy the spin-brush aspect of this set. I'd never used anything like it before so my mind was flooded with questions. Would it work well? Or would it be messy and unnecessary? Turns out, it was a complete and total skin care revelation. The set itself comes with four attachments (one large attachment for the body, one facial cleansing attachment, one for exfoliation, and one pumice stone for rough areas, like the feet) and it is water resistant. Everything is very straight forward and the spin brush is super simple to use.

There are many reasons this system makes me happy. For starters, I love the versatility of the set. Since there are so many different attachments, it allows me to focus on the skin not just on my face, but on my entire body. That means I can amp up my skin care routine quickly and easily. Speaking of quick....the fact that I can wash my face in less than thirty seconds is everything. As I mentioned earlier, I had difficulty sticking to a skin care routine in the past. I think a lot of this had to do with the time element. Especially before bed! All I wanted was to curl up and get some shut-eye. So, I would make very excuse possible to avoid my routine, even though falling asleep in your makeup can wreak havoc on your skin. Knowing that I could do it all (remove my makeup, wash my face with the spin-brush, and apply a moisturizer) in just a few short minutes? It made a huge difference in my skin care motivation.

Take a closer look at my evening skin care routine by watching my latest YouTube video. There you can check out the Radiance Spin-Care System in action and find out how to save 70% on a set of your very own.

This set has definitely improved my current skin care routine....and I am loving it!

What does your skin care routine look like?


  1. Thanks for your honest and detailed review.

  2. What a fabulous review!! I have a Clinique spin care brush and I love it!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Aww thank you so much! Clinique products are always good. Glad that is working out for you :)

  3. This is totally new for me - I've never seen this included in anyone's skincare routine before, but it sounds awesome! :D

  4. Really interesting product ;) I didn't know it.

  5. The product looks amazing! Great routine ♥

  6. I've never tried any of these type of make up removal
    products, but im sure this one works wonders! :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  7. That sounds so interesting! Need to try that out <3

  8. Hej! Świetny post :)
    obserwuje i zapraszam do mnie :

  9. ;D

    Sempre quis ter uma escova de limpeza dessas!

    Ótimo sábado!

    Beijo! ^^

  10. I couldn't agree more I love alike skin care for my skin too!

  11. I have never tried to use spin-brush, but it can be a good idea. I brushed my skin for some time and the result was great.


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