Saturday, September 15, 2018

love it or leave it? amber heard

New York Fashion Week is always an exciting time. Not only are there plenty of incredible designs coming down the runway but there are also tons of incredible fashions worn by celebrities, fashion lovers, and fans. Out of all the looks I spotted online following the festivities, one stood out. I was immediately struck by the look Amber Heard wore to the Alice + Olivia show. It was definitely head turning....but was it for the right reasons? Her fashion week look is the star of the latest love it or leave it? post here on Mansa Fashion. 

What I Love: Let's be honest here, there is so much to love! This look plays with colour effortlessly (that yellow plaid is so perfect for fall) and is really all about the details. The puffed sleeves are bold and exciting and add some unexpected flair to the look. The slight crop keeps it youthful and fun and then you have the unique cut of that black leather skirt. It is sleek and sophisticated yet still manages to look a little edgy. The cut of the shoes is stunning as well and the red lipstick is really just the icing on top of the cake. This fashion week outfit is absolutely breathtaking. And on another note, I love that she took the chance to get political with her sign!

What I Loathe: If you couldn't tell from the paragraph above, I am a really big fan of this look. I think Amber really knocked it out of the park. The only aspect that could have used a little ....oomph? The hairstyle. While I do like a laid-back I-woke-up-like-this style every now and again, with this particular look, it sort of looks like her hair was done up earlier in the day and then totally fell flat.

Overall, this look wowed me. I love that combination of the red lip and the yellow plaid top - and then the puffed sleeves and leather skirt. It was a yes all around for me! This, in my opinion, is fall fashion done right. Amber Heard absolutely knows how to make a splash with style.

What do you think of this look? Love it or leave it?


  1. ;)

    Eu gostei do look!

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

  2. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing :-)

  3. Very interesting post. Thank you for sharing 😍

  4. I love her outfit! Just amazing. ^^

  5. Great post

  6. i choose love it! ^^

    i follow you dear

    have a nice day

  7. Achei lindo o look dela ❤ bjs 😙


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