Thursday, September 20, 2018

transition your wardrobe from summer to fall

Are you having trouble letting go? Of summer, that is. The reality is that summer is coming to a close (the official last day of summer is on the 22nd of this month) and the cool fall weather is just around the corner. That means it’s time to re-evaluate your wardrobe. You may be loving those tank tops and flirty skirts now…. but as the temperatures continue drop, fall fashion becomes a must. Want to make the transition easier? These tips and tricks will help you seamlessly switch your wardrobe from summer to fall.

Pair Summer Pieces With Fall Essentials

We all have those perfect summer pieces. Like that floral dress with the cut out back or that jersey tank that makes you feel like a star. Guess what? You don’t need to shove them to the back of your closet just yet. Change the way you wear them instead. During the summer months, you may have worn them as-is, but once the fall season officially hits, you’ll want to add on some seasonal basics. Try wearing that floral dress with a pair of tights or throwing a knit scarf over top of that jersey tank. You can even rock some gorgeous faux fur with a lightweight top underneath. These fall essentials will add a little extra warmth without totally destroying your style.

Keep Wearing Your Summer Footwear

Just because it’s fall doesn’t mean you have to stop wearing your cute flats and open toed shoes. You can still wear summer footwear during September and October. (Provided there isn’t any early snowfall this year.) How can you do it? Pair your sandals with a pair of skinny jeans and a blazer for a look that says: I love summer and fall. Your footwear can easily transition your wardrobe and represent the laid-back vibe of summer style. That also gives you a little more time to adjust to the colder weather.

Use Layering As Much As Possible

One of the simplest ways to take your wardrobe from one season to the next is by using layers. Yes, you can make absolutely anything weather appropriate by adding on a layer or two. Take a look at your closet for any pieces you have already. You’ll want to grab items like tights, leggings, cardigans, light jackets, and sweaters. They all add warmth – and work to give your wardrobe a dash of flawless fall style. Mix and match until you find a look that makes you look and feel your  best. 

Add On Fun Fall Accessories

If you’re still hesitant about the change of season, that’s okay. Start small. The next time you go out, add one fall accessory to your outfit. There are plenty for you to choose from. It may mean wrapping a scarf around your neck, wearing a loose knitted hat, bringing out your favourite faux-fur handbag, or sporting a super dramatic belt. These accessories can instantly bring your look into the fall season – without weighing you down or sacrificing your adventurous summer style. Another idea is to give your nails a seasonal makeover, with gorgeous fall nail polish shades.

Transitions can be hard. That’s why the best way to deal with change is by taking things slow. When it comes to switching out your summer wardrobe for those necessary warmer pieces, remember: there is no rush. Use layers and accessories to extend the life of your favourite pieces. By the time the temperatures really start to drop, you’ll be ready to let go and embrace a new season.

And just in case you are looking for something to watch, my new YouTube video is live! This one is a Pop Music TAG and it is all about some of my favourite artists and songs. Take a look....

Are you excited for fall fashion?


  1. Great tips! I preffer summer season but autumn is ok too, as long as it's not too cold ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Thank you! Yes, agree. If the weather isn't too cold....autumn can be wonderful.

  2. Great tips dear, thanks for sharing ♥ I absolutely love autumn for accesories and cute outfits:)
    Would you love to follow each other? Let me know on my blog ♥ xoxo


    1. Same! The accessories and fall fashion can be so much fun. And I would love to :)

  3. Transitional outfits really is very convenient. Love the video, and you are so pretty, dear!

    The Flower Duet

  4. Great fashion tips.
    Thanks for sharing ♥


  5. Thanks for the beautiful post!
    Have a nice day)

  6. Ahh great tips! I love the idea of working in some summer pieces to your autumn/winter outfits :D layering is a great idea! I love to layer pieces with interesting collars and different prints over each other xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Yes, it is such a great way to enjoy the best of summer and fall fashion! Thank you :)

  7. Great post with great tips :) I love floral pattern!


  8. great tips. It's always not that easy to make a smooth trasition. I tend to spend a lot my time in my closet during mid seasons

    1. Very true! It takes a little more effort and planning ahead during mid-seasons!


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