Wednesday, October 31, 2018

four haunting halloween activities.

Boo! The spookiest time of year is finally here. It is much more than your typical candy-coated holiday. (Though there will certainly be plenty of candy given out to eager trick or treaters.) This season is all about scary stories, fake blood, and haunted houses. Get in on the action. Instead of letting another Halloween pass you by…make the most of it. How? Try these haunting Halloween activities. Your celebration will be full of fun, excitement, and maybe even a few scares.

Take a Ghost Walk Through The City. If you live in or near a big city, there are always incredible places to discover. Especially after the sun goes down. Many places host ghost walks each Halloween. This allows you to celebrate the holiday in style and get your heart racing. Most ghost walks run throughout October with spookier and less spooky options to choose from. Find out more about the history of your city – as well as some haunted spots. You will quickly discover how many real life ghost stories there are. 

Spend a Night Watching Scary Movies. There is one classic way to enjoy Halloween. It is simple. Grab a bunch of scary movies from your DVD (or VHS depending on how old school you want to go) collection and pop up some popcorn. Turn down the lights and throw on your comfiest blanket. Or invite a friend or two to join in on the fun. Whether you are watching alone or with company…. it will be a night of thrills and chills. A few movies to consider include: anything from the Halloween series, Scream, Poltergeist, and Friday the 13th. Or you can always browse through the horror section on Netflix.

Go To a Super Spooky Haunted House. Haunted houses are one sure fire way to scare the pants off even the most fearless Halloween fans. Chains rattling, zombies lurking, and fake bodies stashed everywhere. Talk about terrifying! Visit a haunted house this season. There are many to choose from in and around the city. One of the biggest ones near me has to be Halloween Haunt at Canada’s Wonderland. The annual event features ten mazes and four live shows. Not to mention characters walking around the park all night long. If there is something similar happening near you...consider checking it out. 

Throw Your Own Scary House Party. Get social this Halloween. Why stay in and doing nothing special? Invite your closest friends, co-workers, or family members over for an incredible evening. You can decorate your space with creepy items (the dollar store is a great place to stock up on props and spooky décor), put out some themed food and drink options, and play some super scary games. Challenge your partygoers to play Bloody Mary or Light as a Feather. Or you can always pull out the old Ouija board. Everyone in the room will be terrified in the best possible way.

Looking to infuse your holiday with some serious scares? These four ideas are all you need. Excitement, thrills, and everything in between. One thing is for sure. This Halloween is bound to be something special.

If you are more interested in fashion than festivities, that's okay! My latest YouTube video is a fall fashion try on featuring some pieces from the Kendall + Kylie line from Ardenes. Be sure to check it out and let me know which piece is your favourite....

Happy Halloween, everyone!


  1. Night with scary movies is my plan for Halloween ;)

    1. Excellent! That is my favourite way to celebrate, to be honest. :)

  2. These are great recommendations! I spent Halloween watching scary movies - my favorite is Poltergeist! I just saw the new Halloween last night, it was so good (and terrifying haha) Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Oh how fun! That is how I spent my evening as well. I saw the new Halloween movie last week actually and it was SO scary!

  3. Love the ideas! Watching movies is my fav!

    1. Same! It is so much fun and really puts you in the Halloween spirit :)

  4. Hi dear! Happy post-day of Halloween!

    1. Haha, thank you! I hope you had a wonderful celebration :)

  5. I love scary movies ♥
    thank u for the post ♥

    1. Me too! They can be a lot of fun to watch....though they always freak me out!


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