Friday, October 5, 2018

multi-use products to keep in your makeup bag

If you are anything like me, your makeup bag has probably seen better days. I’m talking too many products, items that take up a ton of space, and things I rarely use. Sound familiar? A lot of us are guilty of over stuffing our makeup bags with products that do very little. It is time for that to change. Decluttering won’t just lighten your load when you are on the go. It will also help you focus on quality rather than quantity. Forget the rest! These multi-use products will give your makeup bag a much-needed makeover.

Lip Balm. Lip balm is one of those things that is always good to have on hand. It can be used to banish dry lips and keep them healthy all day long. That’s not the only reason to use lip balm, though. It can be a total lifesaver on the go. Brows looking a little wild and crazy? Use your lip balm in place of a brow gel. If you happen to have a tinted lip balm in your bag, you can make it a multi-use product by dabbing it to the apples of your cheeks. Instant cheek stain!

Brown Lip Liner. Your makeup bag likely has a number of important items, like eyeliner, brow powder, lip liner, and eyeshadow. Narrow it down by throwing a soft brown lip liner into your makeup bag instead. It can be used in a number of different ways. Use your lip liner to line your lips and eyes, fill in any sparse areas in your brows, or even as a base for your eyeshadow. Since the colour is soft and wearable, the only limitation is your creativity.

Eyeshadow Quad. How many eyeshadows do you have thrown inside your bag? Limit it to one eyeshadow quad…. but choose your colours carefully. If you do, you can use your eyeshadow shades as an eyeliner (just add water), on your cheeks (a soft pink or brown can add a nice wash of colour), or even on your lips. Look for a quad that includes a rosy pink, a mid-toned brown, a white, and a darker crease shade. Your whole face will look radiant in no time.

Double Ended Items. Lately there has been a surge in products that give you more bang for your buck. Like an eyeliner pen with a mini-mascara on the other end. Or a double ended highlight and concealer. Or even a lipstick and lip gloss in one. Make the most of these multi-use products. They can save you space in your makeup bag and limit your primping time.

You pack smart when you travel, right? Make sure you pack your makeup bag the exact same way. Put thought into each and every item you include – and always look for multi-use products. They can be real lifesavers when you are out and about.

What do you pack in your makeup bag? Are there any multi-use products you rely on?


  1. Great post! Love it ♥

  2. Love these ideas--I always use a tinted lip color for cheeks, even a little lid gloss.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  3. Great post! :)
    Have a nice weekend! :)

    Check my new post:

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well :)

  4. Aquele produto é mara! ;D

    Adoro produtos multiusos!

    Ótimo sábado!

    Beijo! ^^

  5. This is actually awesome to know! Nothing without a lip balm, EOS are my favourites. :)

  6. Great ideas :) Thanks for sharing.

  7. great idea! It's always a great idea to reduce the space in bag esp with fall season coming (It always feels like my bag is too small

    1. Yes, for sure! My bag always feels too small as well. Probably because there is so much thrown inside!

  8. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!

  9. It was such a joy reading your blog posts, love all of your sharings dear.

    GoBestShops👗 | Review
    Jewelry Blog 💍 | Sunflower Ring

  10. Amazing blog post! Lip Balm is a MUST!
    Khadija | October's Lallu


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