Thursday, October 25, 2018

pick the perfect halloween costume.

My birthday is officially over, which means one thing: I am in full-blown Halloween mode. It is always an exciting time of year. To celebrate, I will be attending a Halloween party on the weekend (I'll be sure to take pictures of my costume and share them on here at some point), having a movie marathon the day of, and seeing the new Halloween film with a good friend. There are so many things to look forward to. Since I am fully in the holiday spirit, my posts over the next several days will all be Halloween related. To start things off, here are some tips and tricks to choose the perfect costume for any event.

You want to look your best. This is no ordinary night, after all. It is Halloween! The one time of year when you can be absolutely anyone you want to be. Astronaut, veterinarian, pop star, corpse…. the list goes on and on. With so many options to choose from, how can you make the right decision? It is a lot of pressure. Especially if you will be attending a Halloween party or themed event. Stop stressing. These tips will help you pick the perfect Halloween costume with ease.

Determine Your Costume Style. Where to begin? Choosing your costume can feel overwhelming. A simple trip to your local party store can wind up making you more confused than when you started. That is why it is better to think about what you want beforehand. The most important thing to do is determine the type of costume you want. Are you looking to be super scary? Cute? Sultry? Or how about funny? There are a number of different costume styles to choose from. No one is better than the other. However the one you select will impact how you look – and how others react to you. Also, consider where you plan to go on Halloween, then think about how you want to look while you are there. This will make it simpler to choose your desired costume style.

Write Down a Long List of Ideas. Half the battle is over. By now you have a general idea of the costume you want. Maybe you picked funny or perhaps scary suited you better. The key now? To brainstorm ideas that suit your chosen costume style. Jot down anything and everything that comes to mind. (Editing will come later. Let your imagination run wild right now.) Did you choose scary? Then your ideas might include a zombie, Dracula, Frankenstein, a corpse bride, or a werewolf. You can write down generic ideas or even write down specific characters from TV shows and movies. The most important thing is to start thinking about how you want to look. A tip? Look online for costume ideas. It can help get the ball rolling while you brainstorm. 

Narrow Down Your List – And Make That Final Decision. Now for the tricky part. Narrowing down that list! This can seem impossible but it is actually pretty simple. Rule out any costume ideas that don’t totally fit into your chosen theme. Ditto any costumes that will not fit in to your Halloween plans. (An example? A werewolf costume with a full mask and body suit will be way too hot if you are heading to a busy club. Simplify it or choose something else.) You can also narrow down your list by considering other factors. Think of things like your costume budget, how much time you have, how long it will take to get ready the day of, weather conditions, and so on. Before long that long list of ideas will be super short. From there, trust your instincts. The clear winner will stand out to you.

Halloween ready? You will be. Coming up with the perfect costume idea is easier than you think. All you need is a little inspiration and focus. You are sure to look amazing this holiday.

What costume will you wear this year?


  1. I'm gonna stay at home watching Netflix 😂. But I would like to wear a Corpse Bride costume on a Halloween party.
    Btw, you've got a new follower from ❤

    1. Such a smart plan! I am going to a Halloween party on the weekend but on the'll be lots of scary movies at home! Thank you for the support <3

  2. Que dicas maravilhosas👏👍 bjs 😙

  3. Nice post

  4. This is great advice! I’m probably just going to wear a mask of some sort. I’m taking my kids trick or treating and don’t want to be in a full costume. Happy belated birthday by the way! 😊💖

    xo, Jessica Blantonh

    1. That is a good idea! I'm sure you'll look great and have a lot of fun with your kids :)

  5. Great ideas! Whe I pick I normally go from things I already have/can use to something I actually need to add. This year it was different. I have found a detail I really wanted for Halloween and building the costume around it

    1. That is a great idea and definitely lessens the cost! That is so fun that you were able to find the perfect costume for this year, though!

  6. my Halloween costume for me is still something girly. i don't want to paint my face. hehe


  7. wow great post!kiss


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