Wednesday, October 3, 2018

review: the emily edit (the WANTS palette)

Are you ready? It is time for part two of my blog posts dedicated to emilynoel83 also known as Beauty Broadcast. Yesterday was all about the first of the two palettes YouTuber Emily Eddington released with Revolution. While The Needs was totally focused on those everyday essentials, The Wants, is all about having fun and getting creative with makeup. This eyeshadow palette is loaded with a whopping twenty four shades that come in a variety of colours and finishes. Is it as good as The Needs palette? Is it worth the money? Here is everything you need to know...

As I mentioned in my last post, Emily is someone that I really respect. Not only is she extremely talented but she carries herself with honesty and integrity. With so many other beauty YouTubers focused on quick cash and notoriety.....her character is downright refreshing. Normally, I would debate an online makeup purchase (I prefer to buy my makeup in a store where I can see a product in person or swatch it beforehand), there was no debate. Immediately, I placed my order for both palettes. This is because I know that Emily would never put her name on something she didn't completely believe in. And since we seem to have similar taste in makeup, there was no doubt in my mind. I simply had to have The Wants eyeshadow palette in my life.

The Wants Palette Review: Packaging 

Of course, the best place to start is by talking about the packaging itself. It is very similar to that of The Needs palette, except this palette is much larger in size. (It is also just slightly more expensive with a price tag of $20.) And instead of that soft pink colour with the gold lettering, this comes in a beautiful peach shade with equally beautiful gold lettering printed on top. Some of the other aspects of the packaging I enjoy include:

  • It is strong, durable, and has a closure that really locks in place. This keeps the makeup safe and secure - and you never have to worry about damaging your shadows.
  • The packaging is made of a glossy plastic, which is quick and easy to clean.
  • The colour of the palette is really beautiful and the eyeshadow names are printed inside.

Shades and Quality

Can you believe all of that variety? One quick peek at the inside of The Wants palette and it is clear that this palette lives up to its name. There are so many want-able colours! From easy to wear neutrals (like The Cream, Hobby, Prayer, Midwest, Dues Paid, and Oh Heavens) to shimmery stunners (like Grateful, Eve Rose, Belle Violet, and Pizazz, to name a few), to warm colours (like Love Tons, LaughCry, Cheer, and Heartbeat), to colourful and dramatic (like Side Hustle, Corduroy, Pi Phi, and Dark & Early).....there is a lot going on here. It has a wide range of matte and shimmer as well as a wonderful combination of neutrals, smokey shades, and pops of colour. Take a closer look inside with these swatches:

Talk about variety! When it comes to the shades themselves, there are options galore. It will take you an awful long time (and a lot of creativity) to run out of different ways to use this palette. There are so many wonderful colour combinations you can play well as finishes. I absolutely love that Emily really focused on releasing a palette that had everything you needed within the palette itself. One thing I really hate is when you need to use multiple palettes to create a single look. That certainly isn't the case with this set. There are light shades, mid-tone shades, deep shades, and lots of unexpected pops of colour. Once you add the different finishes into the mix, you have a wonderfully well-rounded collection. 

As for the pigmentation, it is quite impressive overall. The shades perform well and can really be built up to intensify the colour, if desired. This also adds to the versatility of The Wants palette. The only downside? That beautiful purple shade, Of Tourism, looks so rich and vibrant in the pan. However, when you actually try to swatch it or apply it to the eyelid, the colour payoff is weak and it has an almost murky finish. Definitely a letdown, as there are so many incredible shades in here. I really hoped that it would be consistent throughout. That being said, one disappointing shade out of twenty four is really not too shabby. 

Similar to the last palette, this also has the names printed inside. I just love that detail! It really adds to the overall quality and gives this a personal touch. When you look at the names themselves, they really are perfectly related to Emily, her life, and her story. It is a beautiful collection and the names are a wonderful way of making the palette personal to both Emily and her fans. 

Overall Impressions

The two looks pictured above were both created with The Wants palette. The first is really warm, dramatic, and smokey. The second is a little more neutral and easy to wear. I love the fact that two very different looks could be created with the exact same palette! This is something that I have really been enjoying lately. The quality is impressive, the packaging is wonderful, and the variety of shades is top notch. Overall, I am a really big fan of this eyeshadow palette. It can take you from day to night and everywhere in between. 

Rating: 4.5 / 5

The Wants palette is an impressive release from Emily and Revolution Makeup London. It is clear that this set was created with lots of love and an attention to detail. If you are looking for beautiful eyeshadow shades that perform well, last, and look good....this is a must-have.

Have you tried The Wants palette? What did you think of it?


  1. Mnogo mi se dopada ova paleta. Boje su fenomenalne. Takođe, sviđa mi se mnogo što se može napraviti nekoliko različitih makeup look-ova ❤️❤️❤️

    I follow you: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog

  2. Odlična recenzija.

    Pratim te,uzvratiš?

  3. Replies
    1. I haven't tried much from them but this collection was so wonderful!

  4. Wow, the colors are very unique and I love how you use them on your lid!
    The pigmentation seems great too <3


  5. Very in depth review, I really like it! This is definitely getting on my wishlist ))

    1. Oh, thank you so much! I appreciate that comment. I hope you love it if you end up trying the palette for yourself :)

  6. Great post

  7. You are wearing those colors so well! <3

  8. Such a nice review. And you look so pretty. Loved your video as well. Keep up the good work, dear!

    1. Thank you very much! I really appreciate that :)

  9. I love your blog!
    With pleasure I follow you through GFC! I will follow the updates :) If you want follow me on my blog xo

    xoxo, Nastya


  10. You look fab, I love these colors on you!
    Kisses, Paola.


  11. Such a stunning look, you have created with the palette :)
    I really like the shades.
    xx Katha


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