Tuesday, October 9, 2018

sephora VIB rouge event

Being an avid makeup lover has its perks...but it can also be quite costly. Especially when you add Sephora to the mix. With shelf upon shelf lined with beautiful high-end makeup, it is oh-so-easy to get caught up in the cute packaging and luxurious brand names. In my heart, I will always be a drugstore girl. That being said, there is something thrilling about special events and high-end samples. At a recent VIB Rouge event hosted by my local Sephora, I was able to take a peek at a few of the upcoming holiday releases. In addition to browsing the new products, I left with a bag full of high-end samples. Which is what today's post is all about.

The only thing I love more than beauty products are free beauty products. Which is definitely one of the perks of attending a Sephora event. At the checkout, I received a goodie bag loaded with different beauty, hair, and skin care items. So...let's take a look at everything that was inside.

  • Gold Makeup Bag. As you can see from the first picture in this post, everything came inside of this beautiful gold makeup bag. It has a half moon shape, a shiny finish, and a polka dot print throughout. There is a beautiful tassel at the end of the zipper as well. This bag is both sturdy and stunning. I absolutely love it!
  • Glam Glow Hello Sexy Set.  This Glam Glow set was actually my birthday gift for the year and it was super exciting. I love Glam Glow products but rarely treat myself to them because of the cost. The set includes the SuperMud Clearing Treatment and the GlowStarter Mega Illuminating Moisturizer. I am so excited to add these to my routine. 
  • Benefit Bad Gal Bang Mascara. Though my all-time favourite mascara is The Super Sizer from Cover Girl, I have had positive experiences with Benefit mascaras in the past. They're Real is one of the absolute best. So I am really excited to try out this Bad Gal Bang volumizing mascara. The wand is really flexible, which I find intriguing. Fingers crossed it works well!
  • Clarins Hydra-Essentiel Cream. The next item included in the goodie bad is an intense hydrating cream from Clarins. I have tried a few things from this brand before and enjoyed the products, so this one was a serious win. Since the weather is getting colder now....a good thick moisturizer is a must. 
  • Beauty Blender BlenderCleanser Solid. One of my least favourite things to do is attempt to clean my makeup sponges. It gets so complicated and I am never really sure if they are actually clean. Needless to say, I am super eager to test out this solid Beauty Blender cleanser to see if it does a stellar job. I will absolutely keep you posted! 
  • Tom Ford Eau de Soleil Blanc Perfume. Oh, I love perfume. I love it so much! (Don't believe me? Just check out my Perfume Collection YouTube video.) This Tom Ford sample was very exciting to try because I don't have any of his fragrances. Now that I have tried this one, I really really want a full size. It is flirty and sophisticated all at the same time! I absolutely adore this scent.
  • Living Proof Perfecting Spray. Now for a little bit of hair care. This spray is a conditioning and detangling spray. It prevents against frizz and offers UV protection - and the small sized bottle makes this ideal for travel. I am planning to throw this into my travel toiletries bag so I can always have beautiful hair...wherever life takes me.
  • Boscia Clear Complexion Cleanser. This cleanser is one that I am really excited to try out. Taking better care of my skin has been high on my list of priorities this year. So a high-end cleanser is definitely a step in the right direction! I am absolutely planning to use this with my Radiance Spin Brush system. 
  • Caudalie Radiance Serum. Next up is this luxurious serum, which is supposed to make the skin look radiant and even out the tone. I love the fact that this little sample comes in a glass bottle with a dropper inside. Those little luxurious details make this extra exciting to try out. 
  • Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme +. Anti-aging products are absolutely a part of my skin care routine. The sample size included looks quite glamorous but does not actually give you a ton of product to try out. On the plus side, it claims to reduce common signs of aging including dark spots, wrinkles, and uneven tone.
  • Laura Mercier Amethyst Caviar Stick Eye Color. The last item included is a stick eyeshadow from Laura Mercier. I am a big fan of this brand and have really enjoyed everything I've tried from their line. The shadow shade is so shimmery and beautiful....and the texture! This glides on smoothly and has the most wonderful consistency. 
Phew! As you can see, there was an awful lot included in the Sephora VIB Rouge event goodie bag. Not only was the event a lot of fun to attend, but I am now able to try out a variety of products I may never have been able to. Out of everything, I am most excited about that Laura Mercier eyeshadow, the Tom Ford perfume, and the Estee Lauder cream. 

Have you tried any of these products? What did you think of them?


  1. Love this products!


  2. Omg! So many products dear! It´s always great getting this much stuff. :D
    Have a great week <3


    1. It really is! So much fun being able to test out new products. Hope you have a great week as well, lovely!

  3. These all look fabulous!! Great review!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Looks like some great products. I love the Sephora store.

    1. Same! Sephora is such a great place to shop. There are so many options.

  5. Looks lie a great event, and wow, you got really the best products! Also love the pouch!

    The Flower Duet

    1. It really was! And the pouch was such a cute item as well :)

  6. A lot of lovely products! Great review, doll!
    Kisses, Paola.


  7. That looks so cool! My favorite would be the make up bag - looks so pretty <3


  8. Świetny post ! :)
    obserwuje i zapraszam do mnie :

  9. Wonderful products, great review:)


  10. Hi dear! These items for make up are a news for me. Thanks to share!

  11. These look fabulous!! Thank you for the post!! xx


  12. Replies
    1. There were a lot of wonderful ones! Thank you for reading :)

  13. Wow, what a lot of free samples! I love the bad gal bang mascara so so much - I really hope you get on with it as well I have! Lovely post x

    Emily | TwicetheTalk

    1. Yes, there were so many! I am really hoping I love the Bad Gal Bang mascara as well. I'll definitely let you know :)

  14. Good products! *-*

  15. Who doesn't love free goodies! Ha!! Awesome!



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