Sunday, October 7, 2018

why murphy brown is the television hero we need in 2018

It has been a while. About twenty years, in fact. Despite the decades that have passed, I can clearly remember watching the last episode of Murphy Brown. My mom loved the show and she passed that love onto me. We watched it together often and Murphy became a bit of a heroic figure in my mind. Though my memory is foggy on the specifics of the show (like I said, it has been a while)....I remember admiring Murphy for her integrity, sharp-tongue, and commitment to breaking the glass ceiling. It was an important time in television. Now? Murphy Brown is back. The re-boot is one of many revivals on the airwaves these days and in my opinion, one of the most needed.

Though the show didn't premiere with stellar ratings (reports mention the slow start compared to other 90s TV reboots)....this isn't exactly a surprise. As I mentioned earlier, the show has been off the air for twenty years, isn't a regularly re-run program, and isn't available to watch on any streaming service. You pretty much had to remember the show from it's original run in order to be excited about its return. Not a great way to start things off! That being said, this is a must-watch if you are at all interested in the current political climate. Murphy doesn't shy away from taking jabs at the cheeto-in-charge, exploring social tensions, the role of media, and even mentioning the problematic end of Roseanne. The show is the perfect blend of bold, funny, and relatable. And quite frankly, it is comforting to see a strong woman back on screen.

Perhaps that is why many news outlets are praising those characteristics....with a Time magazine article calling Murphy Brown "primal scream therapy for the resistance." The fact that Hillary Clinton made a guest appearance on the first episode says it all. The show is a victory for every person that lost faith in humanity after the 2016 elections. For me, watching Murphy Brown feels like being heard for the first time in a very long time. On TV these days, a lot of shows either refuse to tackle issues or try to guilt liberals into "being the better person" or being sympathetic towards hateful people. Murphy offers a totally different view of the world. She shines a light on the reality that many of us are dealing with. Thank goodness for that.

If you haven't yet, start following the Murphy Brown Instagram account. And start watching the show! It truly is wonderful. To end this post, I want to leave you with a quote from the incredible Candice Bergen.

"I think a lot of women would like to be more like Murphy Brown, which is why I think the show resonated so well with women. I think women love her fearlessness." 

Are you watching the show? Which television characters do you admire?


  1. Hello, my friend!! I'm back from vacation and catching up on all I've missed!! I loved Murphy Brown when it was on years ago, but I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I did see that Hillary was on it and I wish I'd seen it!! I too, lost faith in humanity after the 2016 election and again after this past weekend. I look forward to watching this again. Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. How wonderful! I hope you had a great vacation. Oh my gosh, I am so glad you loved the show as well. It definitely brings back fond memories for me. I know what you mean about losing faith in humanity once again (it's hard to hold onto hope when things keep getting worse and worse). So I hope the show is a source of inspiration to you like it is to me! Thank you for your comment <3 <3

  2. Hi dear.
    I must confess that I don´t know this serie but seems interesting.

    1. It is! If you are able, definitely check it out.

  3. thanks for the comment <3
    seems so interesting!

  4. To be honest, I almost never watch TV shows, dramas, etc. Such an ironic thing because I keep working with my laptop :(
    It seems like an interesting show anyway :)


    1. Really? I love watching TV shows because it is such a great way to de-stress! Also, it is nice to have something on in the background when I write :)


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