Thursday, November 8, 2018

review: essence all about the magical forest eyeshadow palette

Who says drugstore makeup lacks in quality? It seems there are more and more affordable brands releasing quality products at a reasonable price. Essence is just one example. In the past, many of my essence hauls have left me impressed and inspired. Which is why I am always open to testing out new items from the brand. The latest one is All About The Magical Forest eyeshadow palette. It is easy to understand why I was so drawn to this product. The cute theme and dazzling colours were enough to grab my interest immediately. So, here is everything you need to know about the palette.

Packaging and Shade Selection 

When it comes to the packaging, is is pretty simple but sturdy. The case is made up of a clear (but thick and durable) plastic and there is a whimsical image on the front. It features fairies, an owl, and a beautiful forest scene....perfectly tapping into the Magical Forest theme. The shades inside also link to that theme well, with a blend of warm tones, earthy colours, and even a shimmery sky blue. That combination of colours is excellent, in my opinion. It has lighter shades, pops of colour, and deeper tones to create a stunning smokey eye. When it comes to packaging and the variety of colours, this essence palette is a total standout. 

Quality and Pigmentation 

The quality of essence eyeshadows tends to vary fairly dramatically. I've found that the shadows sold in those cute box sets have gorgeous packaging but aren't all that great in terms of pigmentation. The palettes sold in the clear packaging, like the All About the Magical Forest eyeshadow palette, are typically stellar. This palette definitely fell into the stellar category! Each eyeshadow is smooth and soft, has a wonderful amount of pigmentation, blends easily, can be built up for a more intense look, and has a gorgeous shimmery finish. I was really impressed with the consistency from eyeshadow to eyeshadow. There wasn't one shade that fell flat.

Rating: 5 / 5 

Overall, I was really impressed with the palette. The shadows are silky smooth, can create many beautiful looks (from easy to wear daytime looks to smokey eye looks and bold colourful looks), and is ultra affordable. This set cost about $7 CDN which is far cheaper than many other drugstore alternatives. I can't wait to continue creating beautiful looks with this essence eyeshadow palette.

Have you tried this palette? Are you a fan of essence?


  1. Woww you look wonderful dear 😊

  2. Gorgeous as always! Love the colors in the palette!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Thank you! And agree. The colours are so beautiful!

  3. You look so pretty!! I think Essence have beautiful designs for their products! They are always cute! <3
    Khadija | October's Lallu

    1. They really do! Everything is super cute and themed.

  4. essence has a lot of great products! I have an eye shadow palette that I use so often - loove it!

    1. Oh, that is wonderful! It's always nice when you find a palette you love.

  5. Very beautiful colors babe. I like it... kisses

  6. It looks so nice, I'd like to try it!

  7. Glad those eyeshadows have some good quality, you definitely put them into good use with that look you created! <3

    1. They really do! I was so impressed with the pigmentation.

  8. love the colors in this magical forest eyeshadow palette, and it looks like a very good quality product.
    latest post

  9. this is lovely
    latest post

  10. Beautiful make up dear! :)
    Have a great weekend!
    New post


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