Thursday, November 15, 2018

review: nyx perfect filter eyeshadow palette (olive you)

There is no such thing as too much eyeshadow. When it comes to beauty products, it is always on the very top of my list. Though eyeliner and mascara are must-haves....eyeshadow fuels my creativity like nothing else. I love playing with colours, finishes, and textures to create a head-turning makeup look. Recently, I came across the NYX Perfect Filter eyeshadow palette in Olive You. The shades were immediately attractive to me because many of them were quite different from the shadows already in my makeup collection. So, I decided to take the plunge and give Olive You a try.

Packaging and Shade Selection

In terms of the packaging, it is pretty standard for a NYX palette. It is made of plastic and has a black bottom and a clear top piece. Nothing spectacular, to be honest, but it does the trick. Far more exciting than the packaging is the shade selection. Though there were several different palettes in the Perfect Filter line (with various colour schemes ranging from soft pinks to blues), Olive You was the one I was most interested in. There was a nice variety of colours and I was super intrigued by those beautiful green shades. It includes soft blending shades, a wearable gold, pretty greens, a yellow, rich purple, and a shimmery blue. That means you can create a look that is soft and wearable or colourful and exciting. In terms of colour selection, there is plenty to choose from. 

Quality and Pigmentation 

As you can see from the two different looks pictured above, the pigmentation is fairly impressive with most of these shades. That gold in particular! That being said, there are some inconsistencies to be aware of. The matte shades aren't as pigmented right off the bat and need to be built up. Then there is the fourth shadow in the top row of the palette. I expected it to be a beautiful shimmery green but it is actually a very soft glitter overlay. There isn't any colour payoff whatsoever. At the same time, it isn't glittery enough to really create an ultra glittering look. Such a disappointment.

Though there are a few letdowns here, there are also some truly fabulous NYX eyeshadows inside. The gold, of course, but also the olive green on the top row and that light shimmery green on he bottom row. The latter is actually one of the best eyeshadows I have used in a very long time. I absolutely love it! The colour is beautiful, the texture is smooth, and it is ultra bright, making it perfect for the inner corner. Overall, there are some highlights and let downs in this palette. Though I am really enjoying the colour selection and a few of the had the potential to be even better.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

Though the NYX Olive You eyeshadow palette didn't snag a perfect score in my book, there is plenty to love about this set. The colours are beautiful, the texture is wonderful, and those shimmery shades really excel. I have enjoyed using this so far....and can't wait to add that shimmering green to all of my future makeup looks.

On another note! My latest YouTube video is up and it is all about the new Too Faced anniversary collection. Check out this colourful and glittery makeup tutorial...and be sure to let me know what you think of it.

Have you tried this palette? Are you a fan of NYX?


  1. Que cores tão giras que tem essa paleta :D
    Beijinho *

  2. The gold one is really beautiful! Love the post

    1. Yes! I really love that gold shadow. It is so pretty.

  3. Nice colors. I think the first look has that sexy eyes feel!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Yes, you can never go wrong with a good smokey eye!

  4. Hi! That palette is beautiful. It contains very nice shades.

  5. Hi dear! Very beautiful are your make-up but also I like you do not find that to be the most palettes of NYX.

    1. Yeah, it was nice but I was really hoping for something spectacular...or at least a little more consistent! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it!

  6. Amazing review, I added on my blog review for Nyx too, but only for mono shade


  7. I love the colour selection of this palette, it's very beautiful ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Yes, the colours are really pretty! Thanks for visiting :)

  8. That palette is beautiful!!!

  9. Nice post

  10. ;)

    Adorei a paleta! Tem cores lindas!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

  11. obrigada pelo comentário <3
    as cores são lindas :D

  12. These shades look so pretty, I really love the gold green shade :D I have always been curious about NYX shadows! Love the looks you created, so pretty! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Yes, it is super pretty! NYX has a lot of really lovely eyeshadows to choose from. And thank you!

  13. I'm always the person who goes for neutral palettes, the bravest I've ever been with a palette was with the Huda Beauty Desert Dusk. xD However I'm really fond of these colors and you're rocking them, babe! <3

    1. Ooh good choice. I absolutely love the Huda Beauty palette. So many nice colours in that one! Thank you!

  14. That gold in the NYX palette does look awesome, Shannon! Too bad about the rest of the shades just being so-so though...
    And love the Too Faced look you created:) That lippie looks great on you as well.

    1. It really is!! And thank you. That Too Faced lipstick is so fun :)

  15. I like this palette but didn't like the Rustic palette. You created some pretty looks!

    Jennifer | Mrs Q Beauty

    1. Thanks for the heads up! I'll have to stay away from that one. Thank you!


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