Wednesday, December 19, 2018

festive fashion done right.

Want to show off your Christmas spirit? Then infuse your wardrobe with some holiday cheer. If you’ve spent any time at the mall lately (and let’s be honest, now that it’s shopping season has begun, you probably have), you know all about festive fashion. Trendy stores and department stores have one thing in common: holiday inspired clothes and accessories. Everything from sweaters to earrings seems to have come down with a serious case of the jingle bells. Pulling off a festive look can be tricky – at least if you want to look stylish. Don’t despair! You can still wear that Frosty sweater without sacrificing your impeccable fashion sense. This is your guide to festive fashion done right.

Dress Up Your Ugly Christmas Sweater

The best place to start is with the iconic Christmas Sweater. Over the last several years, the Ugly Christmas Sweater has gone from an embarrassing obligation to an ironic take on the annual traditions. Because of this shift, finding an ugly Christmas sweater of your own is easy. (Unless of course, you were after a Pillsbury Dough Boy one. Apparently they sold out within hours.)  They’re absolutely everywhere! Some are funny, some are cute, and some are downright strange. Whichever one you choose this season, the most important thing is to style it well.

Instead of wearing your Christmas sweater with anything you happen to have lying around, put some thought into its partner. Pair it with a pencil skirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, or add on a belt for a hint of glitz and glam. The more sophisticated the rest of your look is, the better your outfit will appear…. Christmas sweater included. 

Be Careful With Accessories

There are tons of them. Festive accessories, that is. Everywhere you turn, there are sets of Santa Claus earrings – and penguins, polar bears, Christmas trees, and bells, for that matter. Ditto charm bracelets, necklaces, broaches, and hair accessories. Most holiday accessories are bright, colourful, and perfectly festive. That’s okay! Just because they tend to be over the top and in your face doesn’t mean they can’t be worn stylishly. Remember to let your accessories do the talking.

If you have opted to wear a Christmas t-shirt or sweater, ditch the festive accessories. On the other hand, if you are wearing an all black outfit, then a pair of green Christmas tree earrings will add a pop of colour and make your look a little more playful. The key is to choose your accessories wisely and be careful not to overdo it. You want to look festive…. not like you are preparing for a job at Santa’s workshop.

Think Winter Instead of Christmas

Another way to add style to your festive wardrobe is to think: winter. Many of us choose dresses, sweaters, and shirts with a cute reindeer print or an image of some elves making toys. That is great but it is a lot more limited. For something that is stylish and appropriate for the season, choose winter inspired prints instead.

Something simple like snowflakes can give your wardrobe a hint of holiday flair without veering to the novelty side of things. Plus, winter inspired pieces can be worn throughout the season rather than just until Boxing Day. That means you will get more bang for your buck and look effortlessly stylish. So, the next time you reach for that Santa Claus shirt, think it over.

Want to embrace festive fashion? Now is the time to do it. Give your wardrobe a stylish kick in the chimney by keeping these tips in mind. They’ll help you look great at every holiday party and family get together.

How do you dress during the holiday season?


  1. Your tips are fabulous!! I plan on wearing my ugly Christmas sweater tomorrow :) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Thank you! I hope you rocked that ugly Christmas sweater!!

  2. I really want to wear christmas sweaters, but here in Brazil we don't have this "tradition".

    Iasmin Guimarães | E agora?

    1. Oh really? That's too bad! Maybe the trend will come over there at some point!

  3. ;)

    Apesar de nunca ter usado, gosto de moda festiva! hahaha!

    Ótima quinta!

    Beijo! ^^

  4. Thanks for the beautiful post!
    Have a nice day)

  5. Hi! Thanks for the ideas, they´re useful.
    Have a nice day!


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