Saturday, December 1, 2018

hello december + christmas gift guide (the perfect present made easy)

It is my favourite time of year. Finally, December has arrived! For all of those Grinch-esque people who hate to see anything Christmas-related before the first of the more complaining. The countdown is officially on. Quite frankly, I am loving every minute of it. This is the time to enjoy seeing all of the lights, decorating, wrapping, watching holiday specials, and so much more. I love all of the traditions and spending time with loved ones. This month,  you can expect lots and lots of themed posts to celebrate the spirit of the season. Starting with today! Here are is a Christmas gift guide to help you find the perfect presents, quickly and easily.

Christmas Gift Guide (the Perfect Present Made Easy)

The Christmas season is coming up fast. Somehow, the fall season managed to pass us by and winter is here to stay. Snow litters sidewalks, decorations are hanging from apartment windows, and scarves are around the neck of everyone you meet. With the holiday season right around the corner, it is time to start shopping. Finding the perfect Christmas present for that special someone isn’t always easy. You want it to be thoughtful, but not totally break the bank. Not sure what to give this year? Here are some great Christmas gift ideas to make your life a little bit easier.

The Perfect Present For: Travel Lovers

Do you know someone who lives to travel? Maybe they like to take a cruise once a year or can’t get enough of staycations in the city. This year, give them a gift that they really want. There are tons of handy travel accessories out there. From suitcase scales to a new camera…. you have a lot of options to choose from. One great idea is a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. They are idea for travel on an airplane, bus, train, or any other form of transportation. Since they have the ability to block out crying babies in the row next to you as well as idle chatter, travelling will be a lot more peaceful for the person you care about most. This is one Christmas gift they will appreciate every time they travel.

The Perfect Present For: Boys and Girls

It can be tricky trying to find the perfect gift for the children in your life. Whether they are your own kids or are part of your extended family, shopping for the little ones doesn’t have to feel like an impossible task. This year, why not pick up something from Disney’s Frozen or Wreck It Ralph 2? One is a classic and the other is brand spanking new. They are hits with kids of all ages, so you cannot go wrong with a Disney-themed present. You may also want to give a toy or action figure from Guardians of the Galaxy or another Marvel movie. With these great gift ideas for girls and boys, you are sure to be a hit this season.

The Perfect Present For: Your Significant Other

The most difficult person on your shopping list? Your significant other. Finding a gift that will wow can create an awful lot of pressure. Will they like it? Will it show them how much you care? Don’t fall into the pressure by making things overly complicated. Your best bet is to choose something as personal as possible. That might be a framed picture of the two of you or an item that reflects a special event in your relationship. Another idea? A watch or tablet cover that is engraved with a personal message or initials. The more personal you can make your gift…. the better!

The Perfect Present For: Your Co-Workers

This is where Christmas shopping gets tricky. Should you buy something for your co-workers and boss - or should you send a card and be done with it? If you do opt for gift giving, keep it simple. Something like food, chocolate, or seasonal goodies are always a good idea. Ornaments, office décor, or at-home spa gifts also tend to go over well. Remember, when it comes to the people you work with, you don’t have to go over the top. Something small will show your appreciation.

Giving the perfect gift doesn't need to make you panic and stress. Don’t over think it! Simply look for different ways to make the gift you give personal. That little bit of extra thought will go a long way this holiday season.
Have you started holiday shopping yet? Are you excited that it is December?


  1. Great post dear! :)
    I'm not too much excited because it's winter I don't like winter and cold weather. :)

    New post -

    1. I hear you on that! The weather may not be my favourite part but I sure do love the holiday season. Thanks for reading!

  2. the best present, movies and candys, for the little boys and girls ♥

    1. Oh for sure! You can never go wrong with those items!

  3. Happy December!! These are wonderful gift ideas. Xo, Melissa Broxupse


  4. Great advices :) This season is my favourite too. Happy December!

    1. Yay! It is always so much fun during the holiday season.

  5. Nice ideas, Frozen is actually every girl's favorite!

    The Flower Duet

  6. Oh this is a nice season

  7. I haven't bought anything for Christmas gift but I am so ready for Christmas!
    Can't wait to buy some gifts to beloved ones <3


    1. Aww that is awesome! It is always really fun to spoil the people we love most :)

  8. Very nice ideas. Thanks dear 😊


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