Wednesday, January 23, 2019

making a vision board (tips + my experience)

Like many people at this time of year, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to achieve in 2019. Though normally, I insist on having my resolutions prepped, planned, and ready to go by January 1st....this year, I decided to take my time. Back at the start of 2018, there were quite a few goals, plans, and dreams I had for myself. For instance: a certain number of workouts per week, a set number of page views on my blog, and specific book goals. This year, I decided to have a mix of specific goals as well as larger, overarching goals. To really focus on those goals, a couple of friends and I got together to have a vision board party. The plan? Create our very own vision boards for the year. Each one would include pictures, quotes, and anything else that would allow us to really focus in on what we wanted - and inspire us to turn it into a reality. Here is a peek at the board I created as well as a few tips to create a vision board of your own.

Tips to Create a Vision Board for 2019

I am not totally new to vision boards. I've created little collages in the past and even made an Inspiration Board, here on Mansa Fashion. (You can check that out here for a healthy dose of inspiration!) That being said, this was the first time I made the conscious decision to go through my list of goals and make a vision board that represented what I wanted to accomplish. Here is what I learned from the process. 

Take Time to Prepare Your List Beforehand. The easiest way to slow down your vision board progress is to go in without any idea of the goals you want to accomplish. Start by thinking about your goals. (Or New Years Resolutions.) What is it that you want to do in 2019? Are you thinking about travel? Taking more chances? Starting a new project? Whatever your dreams and desires are....write them down. The more you think about what you want, or your ideal life according to the iconic Jack Canfield, the easier it will be to create a focused vision board. 

Gather Materials Thoughtfully. You don't need to spend a lot of money to create a vision board of your very own. For mine, I went to the dollar store to pick up supplies. But you can also use whatever you have around the house or even create a virtual collage on your computer. There are so many options! If you do choose to make a physical board, be thoughtful about your materials. Think about the size of the board you want and select your materials according to how much you will really need. Also - don't be afraid to have fun with your materials. Play with colour, sparkle, and shine to create a custom board that really speaks to your personality. 

Don't Overthink the Process. During the vision board party, it amazed me. Everyone had a totally different process. For example, I had prepped and planned beforehand. I came to the party with my magazine cutouts ready to go and had an idea in mind of how I wanted my board to look. One of my friends had her pictures printed out and she meticulously pinned each photo to a cork board in straight lines. As for my other friend? She didn't finish her board that night. The reason was that she was massively overthinking the process. She'd put a lot of pressure on herself to make the board look perfect rather than to have it express what she wanted. Wanting your vision board to look good isn't a bad thing....but don't let an overactive mind stop you from completing the task at hand. 

Creating a vision board was an exciting process. It was wonderful to see my goals laid out in front of me! There are several that didn't make it up on the board but I chose to highlight some of the most important ones. Since my own personal style is totally Snooki meets Betsey Johnson, I made sure that my vision board would reflect that. I used pink animal print duct tape around the edge of the canvas. I used colourful pictures. I used sparkly jewels to add a bit of sparkle. I used glittery numbers to represent specific goals. Overall, I am happy with the way my vision board turned out. While it may not be super neat and represents me.

On a different latest YouTube video is up. It is a first impressions video featuring the Bling Boss palette from Jaclyn Hill and Morphe. While you can expect a full review here in the next little while, for now, here are my first impressions - and some live swatches.

Have you ever created a vision board? Share your tips in the comment section below!


  1. This is a great thought and write. Plan is needed and I pushing forward.
    New post:

    1. Thank you very much! Planning and focus make such a big difference.

  2. Hi! Useful tips, thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day!

    1. So glad you think so! Hope you have a wonderful day as well :)

  3. I absolutely love vision boards or any sort of collage :) So perfect for setting your goals up for the year!
    -Jenna ♥
    The Chic Cupcake

    1. Same! They are a great way to get focused...and unleash your creativity!

  4. Oh very great idea darling

  5. great tips and i am actually thinking of creating my vision board now :) Anyway, just dropping by to say hello all the way from the Philippines! I hope you can drop by my blog too and follow along if you like. Have a nice day! :)

    xoxo, rae


    1. Oh, that is wonderful! I hope your vision board turns out exactly as you want it to! Thank you so much :)

  6. Hi dear!you really started with great intentions!Kiss!

    1. I definitely tried! Thank you so much for reading!


  7. Amazing post!!! @luda.tischenko - instagram


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