Wednesday, January 9, 2019

paris hilton nude eye set (review, swatches, and makeup look)

I love Paris Hilton. And after watching the new Netflix documentary, The American Meme, I am not alone. There are millions of "Little Hiltons" who admire and adore this iconic star. No wonder she has nineteen product lines, including an ultra successful and affordable cosmetics line. Over the last year (in fact, my very first post about Paris Hilton Cosmetics went up almost a year ago) I have been able to try out quite a few of her products. The newest is especially exciting. The Nude Eye palette caught my eye immediately because it included eyeshadows. Out of everything I've found from the brand, this was my first time finding Paris Hilton eyeshadow. Talk about exciting!

Paris Hilton Nude Eyes Set: Review and Swatches

This particular set comes in a thick cardboard box with a picture of Paris on the front and gold trim around the sides. When you flip open the box, there are application instructions printed on the inside and then of course, there are the products themselves. The Nude Eye set includes:
  • Powder Eyeshadow (in three shades: a soft shimmery white, a pink-toned brown, and a deep chocolate brown)
  • Volumizing Mascara (in the shade black)
  • Eye Cream Pencil (in three shades: a shimmery white, a warm grey, and a rich chocolate brown)
Something I really enjoy about this set is the fact that it includes both powder and cream shadows. That allows you to mix and match based on your own preferences - and how dramatic you want the finished look to be. However, before I start discussing the actual products themselves....I did want to talk about the packaging. Though the outer packaging is simple but still has that glamorous look to it, the product packaging is a little....flimsy. Both the cream and powder shadows are held in cheap plastic containers. That stunning Paris Hilton logo is printed on everything - which is wonderful - but the quality of the actual product packaging could have been a little more substantial. 

Now for the products themselves! To start are the powder eyeshadows. As you can see from the swatches above, the pigmentation is decent. These have lots of shimmer and are a great way to get a glitzy night out look. That being said, the shade in the middle (that pink-toned brown) is a little soft and needs to be built up to really get that colour payoff. I wish it had been more of a true medium brown rather than this pink-toned shade but it is definitely a pretty colour. That dark shadow is easily my favourite of the three. It is rich, builds easily, and has a silky smooth texture. All in all, these are pretty good eyeshadows that work well to create a nude eye look.

Then there are the cream shadows. Sadly, the packaging isn't all that sturdy but the products themselves are quite good. These can be built up to become really pigmented. They also have a brilliant shimmer finish as well. Something to keep in mind? Without a primer, I did find that these creased after a few hours, but with a primer, they lasted much longer. While they can be worn alone, the ideal way to wear this set is to layer these cream shadows underneath the powder shadows. Not only does this add longevity to the look but it also creates a bold and intense finish. Out of the three shades included in the creams, I was most impressed with that warm grey colour. It was just a little bit different from the traditional nude shades I expected to see in this set.

Lastly, was the volumizing mascara. In the past, I've been able to try a different Paris Hilton Cosmetics mascara....and I really enjoyed it! (You can see the full post here.) Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find another tube to continue using it. My hope was that this formula of this one would be the same or similar....and it was! The main difference was the mascara wand. It is super small which means you can really coat those lower lashes and get into the inner corner with ease. That being said, the smaller wand meant that it took much longer to add product to the rest of the lashes. Overall, I was pleased with this mascara but wish that there had been more product included.

Paris Hilton Nude Eyes Set: Finished Makeup Look

The look I created using the Paris Hilton Nude Eyes set made the most of all the products included. I layered the cream shadows and the powder shadows for a little more intensity. The lightest cream shade and powder shadow were applied in the inner corner and the first third of the eye. Then the grey shade was applied to the crease with the brown around the outer corner. I placed that chocolate brown powder shade over top of the crease and outer corner and then used the medium powder shadow to blend out the crease. I pulled in my current favourite eyeliner (from Annabelle Cosmetics), layered on some mascara, and finished off the look with a Paris Hilton blush and cream lipstick. 

Overall, I was pleased with this set. I love the variety of products included, the shimmery finishes, and the fact that the set delivers on its name. It is definitely possible to create a stunning nude eye look with these items! My main concerns had to do with the product packaging because I would have loved it to be a little sturdier. That being said, I had a lot of fun trying out this set and was so happy to have come across it. 

Rating: 3 / 5

Have you tried this set? Are you a fan of Paris Hilton Cosmetics?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. Yine güzel şeyler tanıtıyorsunuz kolay gelsin

  2. It looks like great quality, i love the finished makeup look x)

    A free soul.

  3. I like it

  4. Your make looks good... I love paris Hilton but unfortuantely i'm not a fan of makeup though i admire

    Glowyshoe's blog

  5. Final look is amazing! The set really seems like a must have :)

    1. Aww thank you! That is so sweet. It is definitely a nice set to have!

  6. I started watching it some days ago and I'm obsessed with the show! Lovely make up as well <3

  7. Nice post! You look so pretty.

    Have a nice day. Kisses
    Our Style Blog

  8. Obrigada! ;D

    Eu gostei muitíssimo desse conjunto!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

  9. eyeshahdow boxes enhance the beauty of products.thanks for sharing it Eye shahdow boxes


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