Sunday, January 13, 2019

three steps to change up your winter style.

It never ends quickly. At least it doesn’t seem to. The winter months always seem to drag on and on. Somehow we start to think that the snow will never stop falling and the temperatures will never rise again. Here is a little advice: stop waiting for winter to be over. Make the most of it! Though the weather outside is cold and frosty… your style can be red hot. Spending time with friends? Heading to work? Running errands? Your wardrobe will always look fantastic. Here are some easy ways to change up your winter style this year.

Embrace Winter Whites.  Have you noticed? During the colder months, everyone wears lots and lots of dark colours. Plum, grey, and black, for instance. Everywhere you go there is a sea of dark shades, time and time again. Let’s be honest: those dark colour combinations can get pretty dull after a while. No wonder we are always so desperate for winter to leave. There is no reason to wait for another season to arrive, simply lighten up your winter wardrobe now. Instead of wearing off-season floral prints or pastel shades…. embrace winter whites. They are seasonal and statement making. Pair a white jacket with white denim skinny jeans. Or a white top with a white pencil skirt. Why white? Winter whites are bright and lively. Plus they are a bold contrast to the gloomy colours everyone else seems to be wearing.

Throw On a Cute Knitted Hat. Winter accessories don’t have to be boring. In fact, they are a great way to have a little fun with fashion. There are so many different fabrics, textures, and colours to choose from. Each has the ability to give your outfit that extra something special. One great idea? Add a knitted hat to your everyday look. This will help you stay warm, protect your head and ears from harsh winter winds, and amp up your style. Plus, a knitted hat or beanie is never out of style. It can look sweet and sophisticated. Edgy and cool. Fun and flirty. It all depends on how you wear it! Look for a hat that represents your own unique sense of style. Love to play with colour? Then choose something in a bright shade. Obsessed with details? Grab a hat with a knitted border or floral design. Your winter accessory can be worn with absolutely anything. From high-end designer dress to those grocery store sweats. So keep it on hand. You’ll look amazing all season long.

Incorporate a Classic Print. You want to mix things up…. but don’t want to veer too far from your normal style. That’s okay. Just add in a classic print every now and again. There are many to choose from. Like plaid, tartan, and houndstooth. Designers from all over the globe love to incorporate these traditional prints into their winter designs. Season after season, they add dimension to even the simplest of outfits. Wearing all black? Throw on a plaid coat or a tartan scarf. Instantly you will look more stylish and put together. It will also transform that basic-and-black winter outfit into something chic and unique. What are you waiting for? Add on a classic print. Not only is this quick and easy to do, but your winter style will be better than ever.

How will you change up your winter style?


  1. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!

  2. So cute, and I agree, I love winter whites!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  3. YES! because the color white reflects light and is a neutral that goes with anything.

  4. Thanks for the tips! I need to add more accessories.
    Want to become friends on GFC? Let me know, xx


    1. Me too! It is definitely a great way to add that something special to a winter look! And of course! :)


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