Friday, February 22, 2019

beginner series: foundations for every skin type

Winter weather is harsh. That alone can wreak havoc on your skin, making it difficult to keep your foundation looking flawless. The solution? Get a new foundation. Just because you have normal to oily skin during the summer months doesn’t necessarily mean you'll have the same skin type during fall, spring, or those chilly winter months. Whether you’ve been seeing flakes or tons of shine, take a deep breath. You simply need to switch up your foundation to make sure it suits your current skin type. Don’t know which brands to choose or what to look for? This guide will help you find the right foundation for your needs. 

If You Have Oily Skin... 

Oily skin is a common problem that countless women all over the world face. Yes, even when the winter months roll around. Have you found that your current foundation makes your skin look greasy or requires powder touch ups throughout the day? You deserve better! When looking for a new foundation, keep your eyes peeled for anything that says: oil free, for oily skin, or powder finish. All of those phrases indicate that the formula is designed to target excess oils. That will leave you with a matte finish on the skin – which is exactly what you should be aiming for.

There are many great drugstore and high-end brands you can choose from. Some notable options are: the Too Faced Born This Way Foundation or the new Maybelline Fit Me Shine Free Foundation Stick. A tip? When applying your makeup always use a brush or a sponge and avoid using your fingertips. They can add oil to your face or cause your makeup to break down faster.

If You Have Dry Skin...

Dry skin on the other hand, can leave you with annoying flakes, dry patches, or even itchy skin. It also has a tendency to make your foundation look cakey. That is definitely not what you want. Instead, aim to select a foundation that gives you a fresh, dewy finish. Things to look for include liquid foundations that are hydrating and have a creamier texture. For more coverage, stick to a foundation designed for dry skin, like the Clinique Even Better Glow Light Reflecting foundation.

For every day makeup, you may prefer to sport a BB Cream or tinted moisturizer. They are lighter on the skin and add plenty of moisture. That can help you avoid flakes and dryness – and still give you the coverage you crave. The Garnier BB Cream Miracle Skin Perfector is one to consider.

If You Have Combination Skin...

When you fall into the combination category that means you get a little bit of both. Certain areas of your face may be dry while others (most often the T Zone) tend to get rather oily. It can be difficult to deal with two different skin types effectively. There are foundations out there that claim to target combination skin – but they more often than not, they target oily skin problems and only oily skin problems. What can you do about it? Stick to a powder foundation…. but use it wisely.

Start applying the powder foundation specifically to areas of the face that get oily. Using your foundation brush or sponge, blend the product out towards the rest of the face. This method will allow less product to reach the dry parts of your face, focusing it on those oily areas. You can also try mixing and matching foundations. However, if you go that route, keep in mind that it may be slightly pricey. 

Finding the right foundation doesn’t have to be mission impossible. Read the labels carefully, understand what your skin needs, and make an informed choice. Your skin will be looking and feeling better before you know it.

Be sure to share your foundation tips in the comment section below!


  1. This looks like such a wonderful product! Great post :)

  2. I have combination skin, and yes, powder foundation is what I use. Great tips, you must start a beauty workshop!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Oh, thank you! Your comment really made my day. You are so sweet :)

  3. Awesome post!! I strictly use Clinique foundation and I love the ones that apply like powder - quick and easy!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Yes, for sure! Clinique has a lot of fabulous products. Thank you for stopping by!

  4. It looks like helpful product. I love your blog, dear!
    Have a nice day!

  5. I've yet to try that Maybelline Fit Me foundation and I've only heard great things about it.
    Great tips as always, Shannon:)
    Hope you're having a lovely Saturday.

  6. Great review darling!Interesting for everyone!

    Last post:

  7. Great post :)
    I'm your new follower :)

  8. Great tips, my skin is oily and I'd love to try the Maybelline shine free foundation stick! I like foundations in stick ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  9. Combination skin owner here! Thanks for the tips, and stopping by my blog to leave a kind comment :)

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  10. Nice post @luda.tischenko - instagram

  11. I love your reviews dear 😊


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