Monday, February 4, 2019

love it or leave it? celine dion

Celine Dion knows how to make a statement. Whether she is singing, performing, or heading to an event....this iconic star always commands attention. Recently, Celine wowed at Paris Fashion Week with an over the top ensemble that screamed living legend. There is no doubt this Fashion Week look snagged headlines but was it for the right reasons? This edition of love it or leave it? will decide.

What I Love: The drama! When it comes to fashion, it excites me when people take risks that are over the top, bold, and oh-so-dramatic. Celine definitely did that here with this stellar Paris Fashion Week look. I love the dramatic flair of the red layered tulle and the way the overcoat floats away from the sleek black dress underneath. The shape it creates is so beautiful. I also really enjoy how delicate the red layers are around the neckline. That overcoat is soft, romantic, but still has plenty of power and strength. That bow cinched just slightly off centre is another fabulous addition to the look.

What I Loathe: There isn't a lot that I'm not a fan of here. I really enjoy the overall appearance. The only aspect of the look that doesn't thrill me is the material used on the skirt. As you can see from the picture above, it wrinkles in an unflattering way and feels quite bulky and heavy. This is in contrast with the flowing red tulle over top. Though contrast can be a great isn't fully successful with this particular outfit.

Overall, this is a definite love for me. This outfit is dramatic, colourful, and has a powerful presence. I am loving the fact that Celine Dion is taking serious risks with her style lately. It is always wonderful to see someone having fun with fashion.

What do you think of this look? Love it or leave it?


  1. I love it, it's very original and she looks gorgeous with it ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Absolutely! I love that it is unique and she is having fun taking fashion risks :)

  2. She is really very elegant 🙂

  3. Vou ficar contente se você também responder aquela Tag! ;)

    Gosto da Celine Dion. Mas honestamente, eu não curti muito esse look! hahaha!

    Ótima terça!

    Beijo! ^^

    1. Yes, I'm definitely going to do the tag! I can't wait. And fair enough. Celine is amazing but this look isn't for everyone. Thank you so much for your comment.

  4. I love it. It is dramatic and original. <3

  5. thanks for the comment <3
    i think that it looks cool :D

    1. It's definitely cool! Thank you for stopping by :)


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