Wednesday, February 6, 2019

review: morphe eyeshadow palette (35M boss mood)

Morphe is a brand that every makeup lover with an Internet connection has heard about. They've made a name for themselves by teaming up with countless YouTubers and beauty gurus, offering coupon codes, and keeping prices reasonable. While there are people out there who buy anything and everything Morphe....I prefer to shop in person rather than online. So, when the opportunities have arisen (like at IMATS and on Ulta shopping trips) I've been more than a little eager to try out some of the products for myself. More recently, I was able to do this at Sephora. The brand has launched select items at the popular makeup store. That includes the 35M Boss Mood palette. With a price tag of around $30, this palette was fairly affordable, and I had a gift card burning a hole in my pocket. Want to purchase the palette for yourself? Find out more about the shades? Here is everything you need to know....

Morphe Eyeshadow Palette: 35M Boss Mood 

(Packaging and Shade Selection)

There are a couple of Morphe palettes in my collection currently. Though the Jaclyn Hill palette packaging is made of a sturdy cardboard the others are typically a simple black plastic. This particular set has that same black plastic packaging but is slightly sturdier. When you open it up, there is a clear plastic sheet placed over top of the eyeshadows. The plastic has the names of each shade printed on top. While I appreciate the fact that the shades have names...I don't like that they aren't printed inside or at least on the back of the palette packaging. The plastic sheet simply gets in the way each and every time I open up the palette to use it. That being said, the names are quite cute. They certainly fit in with the Boss Mood theme. A few examples? There are names like Bossy AF, Transformer, Confidence, and Center of Attention.

The main reason I was intrigued by this palette was the shade selection. There were all sorts of unique green colours (some shimmery and some matte), golden browns, oranges, purples, warm reds, and more. Talk about variety! There are so many bold and original shades in here. Shades that are completely different to the many eyeshadow palettes in my collection already. If you are looking for wearable colours that are just a little bit different....this is one palette to consider. 

Quality and Pigmentation

Each one of the shades in this set has a smooth and buttery texture. It feels quite nice to the touch, which is always nice. When it comes to the pigmentation of the shades themselves...this is pretty hit or miss. Some of the colours are nicely pigmented (specifically the red tones and shimmery shades) while others require a lot of building up to really achieve the maximum colour payoff. I certainly wish there was more consistency from shade to shade but there are enough standout colours to make up for it! A few of my favourites from the Morphe Boss Mood palette are the warm greens (Express Yo Self, Hello Sunshine, and Nude Tude), the vibrant purple on the bottom row (Grape Expectations), and all of the reds (Sweet Beets and Color Persona), both shimmer and matte. 

Overall Thoughts and Finished Look

Overall, this is a pretty solid palette. There were some aspects that I wasn't a fan of. For instance, the fact that the packaging is basic and I am not a fan of the shadow shades being printed on a clear plastic sheet. There are also some inconsistencies with some of the pigmentation in the palette. That being said, I really enjoy the unique colours included in this set. There are some really special and different shades here that I haven't seen in other palettes. Not to mention a lot of variety! It is possible to create colourful makeup looks, neutral everyday looks, and bold smokey eye looks as well. This is a well rounded palette that will be a lot of fun for a makeup lover to create with.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

If accessories are more your sure to check out my latest YouTube video. It is full of Lauren Conrad accessories. This little haul features a handbag, earrings, a necklace, and headphones. Take a peek and let me know what your favourite accessories are.

Have you tried this Morphe palette? Are you a fan of the brand?


  1. I haven't know this brand :) Makeup looks beautiful ;)

    1. I'm sure you'll be hearing about it a lot more in the next while. They've been opening more physical locations and are being sold in Sephora stores! :)

  2. Wow, what a stunning assortment of colors!! Your makeup looks amazing!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. I think the colour selection was my favourite aspect of this palette! Thank you!

  3. Awesome palette! I love your makeup. <3
    I always wanted to try the Morphe eyeshadows but I can't decide which palette. ;))

    1. That is totally fair! They have so many palettes to choose from! I really enjoy their Jaclyn Hill palette but I've tried a few others that are quite nice.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, the shades are so unique! Thank you for reading :)

  5. I really love the mixture of shades within this palette. I think it's such a good palette for the price xx

    Linses Cotton • Linses Cotton Etc . ❤️

    1. There are some really special shades in here. I love that as well!

  6. Wow this looks amazing!! Awesome palette!

  7. The look is perfect, you look gorgeous with the green eyeshadows! I haven't tried Morphe yet but I like the selection of shades of this palette ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Aww thank you so much! I'm definitely into trying out different eyeshadow colours lately!

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! Hope you are having a fabulous weekend as well :)

  9. I hope they expand the brand in Sephora. The facial mist is so good. I like their stuff but not all of their collaborations.

    Jennifer | Mrs Q Beauty


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