Saturday, February 2, 2019

simple ways to stay active in winter

Yikes! It sure got cold fast. Isn’t that always the way? One minute we are certain that this will be a mild winter with barely any snow. The next? The front lawn is white and you are desperately searching for that extra pair of gloves. This time of year is associated with many wonderful things. Like making time for friends, family, and treating yourself to warm foods. Missing from that list is physical activity. It is believed that most people give up on their New Years Resolutions by January 12th. Well, that day has come and gone, which means many of us have forgotten about strict diet plans, have skipped sweat sessions at the gym, and are staying indoors as much as possible. That doesn't have to happen to you! Here are some super simple ways to stay active in winter.

Incorporate Activity Into Your Workday. One of the most common excuses to skip a much needed workout? Lack of time. This becomes more prevalent during the winter season. Now you have to factor in a snowy commute it can be even more tempting to make excuse after excuse. So keep it simple. Take small steps and do your best to incorporate physical activity into your workday. Take the stairs to your office, get off your bus a stop or two early, or hit the gym during your lunch hour. You can even spend one minute in your office (or a less visible area) doing squats.

Look For Indoor Activities That You Enjoy. Not all physical activities need to be done outdoors. Sure, in the summertime there are baseball diamonds, biking trails, and all the rest. But in the wintertime? You are better to take it indoors. Sign up for a gym membership or check out your local community centre. There might be some fun activities or classes you can sign up for. From aqua-fit, to lane swim, spin class, Zumba, and weight training classes…. there are so many ways to get active. All you need to do is head indoors. And hey, this is your chance to try something new. Grab a friend and try a class together. It could spark a new interest.

Try a Workout DVD At Home. Not all workouts require a gym membership or a pricey admission fee. You can get a great workout for a whole lot less! Pick up a workout DVD (or look online. There are tons and tons of free workout videos on the Internet. Thank goodness!) and work up a sweat at home. Clear your living room floor, grab a pair of hand weights, and follow the instructions on the screen. Working out at home lets you ditch the drive to the gym and enjoy the comfort of your own personal space. This is great if you are in a rush or the weather outside is, well, frightful. 

Give Your House a Good Clean. Want to burn tons of calories? Then get cleaning! Believe it or not, household tasks like cleaning, scrubbing, and vacuuming can get your home squeaky clean and help you stay active this winter. That’s right. Those chores can burn tons and tons of calories. Up to 200 calories per hour. Not a bad way to improve the look of your home. (And keep you feeling your absolute best.) Instead of putting off that household to-do lists until spring, tackle those tasks now.

Who said you can’t be active in winter? There are so many ways to do it. Just change the way you look at exercise. It doesn’t have to be running, biking, and outdoor activities. It can be simple things like cleaning, cooking, and taking the stairs. Inspired? Good. This is your chance to work up a sweat this season.

How do you stay active in the winter?


  1. This winter, I'm thinking about how to stay active and motivated even when the cold weather hits. Seasonal changes always cause changes in my mood, and energy, which could have an effect on my motivation to exercise and my movement routines.

    1. Oh my gosh, I am the same way. All of the grey skies and cold weather cause changes to my mood, for sure. That makes it so hard to stay it takes a lot of focus and concentration to be active!

  2. Winter surely is the season when most people get lazy to move around. These tips are very helpful :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

    1. So true! Sometimes, it just feels too cold to do much of anything! So glad you found this helpful.

  3. Great ways to keep moving in Winter time as the cold can be a very excuse to cuddle and sleep!

    The Flower Duet

    1. It really can be! It's so important to push through that desire to stay in bed all the time, haha. That is definitely what I struggle with!

  4. Aw great ideas! I struggle to be active, I love the idea of a workout DVD as I can go at my pace, I always get embarrassed with my fatigue and not feeling well >< I joined a class back in January but hardly been able to attend as been too tired and unwell <3 thanks for these tips!! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Yes, oh my gosh, I relate to this so much! I love that I can go at my own pace without worrying what other people may or may not be thinking. I hope you are able to attend classes soon. Feel better <3

  5. Oh it's sound really interesting!

  6. Great post! I've started hitting the gym during lunch to get a workout in during the work day and it's been super effective.

    xo, alison*elle

    1. That is such a great idea! You are definitely a huge inspiration :)

  7. Activity is very important to me. Thanks dear 😊


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