Sunday, February 24, 2019

too faced razzle dazzle berry eyeshadow palette (review + swatches)

It's rare but it happens. Every now and again, a makeup item takes your breath away. That is the best possible way I can describe my reaction to the Too Faced Razzle Dazzle Berry eyeshadow palette. It was part of the Tutti Frutti line of products, which you can check out here. Quite frankly, this product launch had eluded me. For one reason or another, I hadn't actually heard about the Tutti Frutti products at all and was surprised to see a handful of them during a visit to Ulta several months back. On a whim, this small palette was added to my basket. And I am so glad it was! Interested in trying this for yourself? Want to know what to expect? Here is my full review, complete with swatches and a finished makeup look.

Razzle Dazzle Berry Eyeshadow Palette: Packaging

First thing is first. How cute is the packaging?! As you can see from the pictures above, the outside has cartoon raspberries printed all over it, along with that classic Too Faced logo in gold. The back and rim is also golden coloured. Unlike a lot of other palettes, the packaging here is super sturdy. It is extremely durable and has a high-quality feel to it. Plus the fact that is has a magnetic closure and a unique cornered edge (used to pop open the palette with ease) just adds to the quality. The packaging is beautiful, luxurious, and well thought out. On the inside, there is another cute cartoon raspberry printed on the mirror. Such an adorable detail...and one that fits in well with Too Faced's aesthetic. The only part of the packaging that I don't love? The actual names of the eyeshadows are printed on the back of the palette rather than included on the inside. 

Shade Selection and Pigmentation 

Like I mentioned earlier in the post, it is rare when a makeup item takes your breath away. But my goodness, did that happen here! The moment you open up the palette there is a beautiful berry scent. Yes, this eyeshadow set is scented. Unlike a lot of other scented products on the market, this is just perfect. The scent isn't too strong or too weak and it smells like the sweetest, most delicious berry you could imagine. I honestly wish this came as a fragrance because I would totally wear it. Once you get past the wonderful smell, there are the shadows to consider. It includes: Dazzle, Pink Suede, Razzle, Berried Treasure, Boys n Berry, Bad to the Berry, and That's My Jam! 

There is a really wonderful shade selection here. That ranges from lighter blending shades to deep sparkly shades, pops of colour, and shimmery shadows. One of my favourites is that black with purple and blue glitter. I absolutely love the fact that this is richly pigmented but the glitter actually still shows through. (This is a rarity!) Then there is that deep purple colour that is colourful but can still really deepen up the crease. All of the shadows are soft to the touch, blend well, and are very pigmented. 

That being two most used shades are Razzle and Berried Treasure. The latter is a beautiful warm colour that looks amazing and adds lots of shimmer and shine. Razzle, on the other hand, has managed to become one of my favourite eyeshadow shades ever. Literally. I love it that much. It is intensely shimmery, sparkly, and pigmented. The shade works well on its own or with any other eyeshadow shade imaginable and it just creates an undeniable wow factor to any makeup look you can imagine. I am obsessed! 

Overall Thoughts and Makeup Look

Needless to say, this is a winner. If you happen to come across the Too Faced Razzle Dazzle Berry eyeshadow palette...pick it up! The shades are beautiful. Not only that, but there is a lot of versatility in this particular set. You can create a look that is simple but elegant (Razzle all over the lid with Pink Suede buffed through the crease) or colourful (Boys n Berry all over the lid with That's My Jam! packed onto the outer corner) or dramatic enough for a night out (Berried Treasure on the lid with Bad to the Berry through the crease and along the lower lash line). The choice is yours! This is a standout product that checks off all the boxes. The packaging is fabulous, it smells great, and the shadows are remarkable. To hear a little more about this palette or to see some live swatches, be sure to check out my recent YouTube video: Too Faced Razzle Dazzle Palette REVIEW.

Rating: 5 / 5

Have you tried this Too Faced eyeshadow palette? What did you think of it?


  1. Wonderful colour 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

    1. Yes, the colours are so beautiful! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  2. Love the colors! :)

  3. the palette is so pretty and pigmented . love 💕

  4. Beautiful colors of this palette and amazing your makeup!


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