Saturday, March 16, 2019

get glam for your next night out

Want to smile? Then pay attention to these three little words: girls night out. There is nothing quite so thrilling as an evening with your closest gal pals. Especially after a long workweek or a stressful experience. Sometimes you need to let off steam and let loose with a few friends. That is the beauty of a girls night out. It is your chance to have fun and leave those pesky worries behind. Ready to have a blast? Turn some heads? This is your guide to getting glam for your next night out.

Unleash Your Inner Glamazon. Start on the inside. Sure the outside stuff is all part of the fun…but before you get dolled up it is time to unleash your inner glamazon. The key to looking good is feeling good. So, get into the right frame of mind. Put on some upbeat music or repeat a few positive affirmations in the mirror. (You know, like, I am beautiful. I am confident. I am excited for tonight. I am going to have fun. Come up with your own or repeat these as many times as you like.) You might feel a little silly at first but you’d be surprised at how quickly they will affect your mood. When you go into your GNO with a positive mindset? The world is yours.

Don’t Be Afraid To Rock Bold Makeup. There are so many great things about a girls night out. One to remember? You are dressing to impress yourself. At the office, you have to adhere to certain dress codes. On dates, you might opt for a more laid-back look. On girls night out? Anything goes. Makeup included. If you have been waiting for a reason to rock a seriously smokey eye, a bright red lip, ultra defined brows, you can stop waiting. This is your chance. Go a little bolder with your makeup. Not only will you enjoy the end result…. but your friends are sure to notice your totally flawless makeup. 

Choose an Outfit That Makes You Shine. You want the right outfit. One that makes you feel amazing. It doesn’t have to be a sequined dress or an ultra tight crop top. (Though it certainly could be.) It should be something that makes you feel your best. Take a look through your closet. Is there anything that stands out to you? Any particular piece you’ve been saving for the right occasion? A colour or fabric? Let your wardrobe speak to you. Chances are you will look – and feel - a whole lot better if you trust your gut. Rocking an outfit is 90% confidence, anyway. So choose an outfit that makes you shine.

Ready for a fabulous night out? With a positive attitude and an ultra glamorous look…. you will be the belle of the ball. The only thing left to worry about is where to go. Whatever location you choose, you are certain to find the perfect backdrop for your unforgettable evening. 

How do you get glam for a night out?


  1. fabulous glam inspiration! Love that tip about unleashing one's inner Glamazon. I think it is super fun to get dressed up.

    1. Thank you! And you are so right... It can be a lot of fun to get dressed up. I love it!

  2. Indeed, trying bold makeup and looking glam and have fun! These also will be good memories years from now!

    The Flower Duet

    1. You are absolutely right! Getting glam and having fun definitely creates really exciting memories :)

  3. Great tips! I love playing with make up and colours ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Thank you! Me too. A night out is such a good opportunity to get creative!

  4. One of the best parts about being single was dressing up for a girls night :)

    1. For sure! But you don't need to be single to have a girls night out! :)


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