Saturday, March 2, 2019

girls night out: isn't it romantic (makeup, mocktails, and a movie)

How do you make a night out extra special? With the three M's, of course: makeup, mocktails, and movies! Recently, I attended a fabulous girls night out event to support a wonderful cause. With friends, family, and even a little was the ultimate movie night. Here are some of the highlights from the evening and a brief movie review.

As soon as we entered the venue, we were given VIP lanyards and entered to win a door prize. (Spoiler alert: none of us won.) Then it was upstairs towards the actual event space. There were tons of different booths set up to get your makeup done, try out different products, and speak to brands. That included Urban Decay, Elizabeth Arden, Juicy Couture, Stila, and Nude By Nature, to name a few! I had an airbrush treatment over at the Elizabeth Arden booth, tried out some new Juicy perfumes, and chatted for a little bit to the people over at Nude By Nature. It was all very exciting but a little overwhelming, too. There were people everywhere trying to nab your attention. I have to say, I was really impressed with the perfume I sampled....but that might be because I am a perfume addict. (Don't believe it? Check out my Perfume Collection video on YouTube!)

The booth at Nude By Nature also looked really fabulous. They had a lot of wonderful products to test out. I was especially intrigued by the cream highlighting and blush sticks but ended up testing out a powder foundation. It felt really smooth on the skin. In addition to all of the different booths there was also an area for a silent auction (with lots of different beauty items, household products, and entertainment equipment), 50/50 tickets, and someone was giving out long-stemmed roses to everyone that attended. Then it was time to grab some food. There were several long tables filled with mocktails, bottled water, cookies, cakes, and candy. Talk about delicious! I snagged some candy to enjoy during the movie and treated myself to some cookies.

We wandered for a little longer and then headed into the theater to watch Isn't It Romantic. Since the film stars Rebel Wilson (who I adore), I wore a top and bomber jacket from her clothing line. For makeup, I dabbled with a new Tarte palette and combined soft blues with shimmering gold. We were each given a bag of movie theater popcorn and grabbed seats. On each seat was a bag loaded with goodies. Some of the highlights included: a Stila liquid lipstick, Nude by Nature powder foundation, Urban Decay brow guides, and skin care products from Vichy, Elizabeth Arden, and Clarins. I plan on using the products in the near future and doing some reviews, so stay tuned for that!

As for the movie itself? Fabulous. It was everything I hoped it would be and so much more. The entire theater was laughing throughout. Isn't It Romantic definitely played on the traditional rom-com roles and situations - but made them feel fresh and new through the satirical slant. It was comforting, sweet, and empowering all at the same time. And honestly, Rebel Wilson's style throughout was everything. I absolutely loved her clothing and hairstyles. Other highlights included: all of the musical sequences, the charming male leads, and the awesome soundtrack. This is one movie I highly recommend. It will be one that is added to my DVD collection as soon as it is released!

Overall, it was a fun night out. It had all the things that I love most: makeup, movies, loved ones, and yes, junk food. What more do you need?

Have you attended any events lately?


  1. This seems like a super fun event :D!
    definitely a good convination :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  2. Look great 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. I will really watch this movie 😊

  4. It seems like a very funny night out! :) The movie looks good :)
    What A Fancy World

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate that.

  6. Unos productos estupendos !!! Te espero por mi ultimo post,espero que te guste!!!🌷🌷🌷

  7. Sim, sim. E no verão também! ;D

    Esse evento parece ter sido bem bacana!

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

  8. Great post dear
    Have a nice day

    1. Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful day as well :)

  9. Aquele produto é maravilhoso! ;D

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

  10. Replies
    1. It really was! Definitely a fun night. Thank you for reading!


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