Sunday, March 31, 2019

meeting fergie + new fergalicious shoes

fergie hudson's bay

I met Fergie. Just typing that felt strange as the reality of that statement hasn't fully sunken in yet. For many years, I have been a fan of Fergie. (On the odd chance you don't know who she is, Fergie was a member of the Black Eyed Peas, has had a stellar solo career, has collaborated with makeup brands, released perfume, and even has her own shoe line.) In the past, I have written about her line with Wet n Wild multiple times and her eyeshadow palette even made my list of the top celebrity makeup releases. Fergie isn't just a performer, entertainer, and all around talent. She is a force to be reckoned with. Recently, she came to a nearby city to promote her line of Fergalicious and Fergie shoe lines. Though I didn't think it would be possible to meet her, I was somehow able to get a wristband. Here is a little bit about my experience and some pictures of my brand new Fergalicious shoes.

Fergie Meet and Greet Experience

fergalicious shoes fergie

It was all very last minute. The night before, I found out the meet and greet would be happening. So I had to change plans (a friend and I had a game night scheduled) and try to get myself organized. Because of the time of the meet and greet the next day....I would have to drop my work stuff off quickly and head downtown almost immediately. Yes, I had a whopping ten minutes to get ready. That meant a very early morning where I applied my makeup and meticulously laid out my clothes so I would be ready to leave quickly. Though it was a bit stressful, it all worked out in the end. Before long, I was on a train heading to Toronto. 

Once I arrived at Hudson's Bay, it was time to do a bit of shoe shopping. In order to meet Fergie you had to purchase a pair of her Fergalicious or Fergie by Fergie shoes. This is not my first time buying shoes from her line. In fact, I showed off a pair of sandals in an old blog post, which you can see here. There were many stunning pairs to choose from but I went with something that I would wear the most. (I'll show you the shoes a little later on in the post! They are super cute black ankle boots.) Then I paid, got my wristband, and waited for the big moment.

The event happened later than it was supposed to. No reason was given but waiting was agonizing. Eventually, all of the waiting paid off and Fergie herself arrived. There were camera crews and photographers galore (and of course, lots of fans). She looked stunning in a black leather outfit with leopard print heels from her shoe line. For the start of the event, a host asked Fergie questions about her collection, her life as a shoe designer, and more. It was wonderful to see how overwhelmed she was by the Fergie displays everywhere. You could tell how passionate she was about the collection! 

Then it was time to meet Fergie. One at a time, we were escorted up to the main stage for our big moment. No bags, purses, or cameras were allowed but they took a picture for you. (Afterward, you selected your picture and emailed it to yourself using computers that had been set up. It was all rather elaborate but certainly a lovely feature.) When I went up to meet her, I was very nervous but thankfully, she was nice! I gave her a hug and told her how much I adored her. She took my hand and held it up for the picture and then told me how much she liked the sleeves on my top. We were still chatting but security was literally pulling me away so... that was that! Fergie was really sweet and seemed genuinely excited to meet everyone.

New In: Fergalicious Shoes

Now for the shoes! Though there were many different styles to choose from (I was seriously debating on a pair of burgundy wedges), these ankle boots were the ones. There were several reasons for this. To start, I love a good pair of boots. Ankle boots, cowboy boots, suede boots.....I love them. They go with any outfit and are super comfortable. Another reason for the boots? I thought that I would get the most use out of these. Many of the other styles available were sandals, wedges, and heels. Quite frankly, I have more than enough of those in my closet at home. I liked that these were a little bit different. They have a lovely woven detail along the top, a V-shape cut out on the sides, and a low heel. The boots are ridiculously comfortable and easy to walk in. Random fact: they are also easy to run in! A few days after purchasing, I wound up running to the train and these held up really well. 

Overall, it was a really positive experience. Fergie was lovely and the Fergalicious boots are fabulous as well. This was definitely a wonderful way to kick-start the spring season! 

Are you a fan of Fergie? Have you added any shoes to your collection lately?


  1. Wow, meeting Fergie must have been a blast! And the shoes look so cute too! :)

    1. It was! Definitely a wonderful experience. And thank you! I love the shoes a lot :)

  2. ;D

    Adoro a Fergie! E curti saber dessa nova coleção de sapatos dela.

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

    1. That's so awesome! She is super talented. Thank you!

  3. Ohh, I'm sure it was an amazing experience, she's very talented and looks very nice! The boots are really beautiful, I like the style ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. It was! Yes, Fergie is so talented and lovely. Thank you!

  4. Omg so jel! Looks like you had an amazimg day


  5. That is a nice shoe


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