Thursday, March 14, 2019

new in: disney x TOMS

The countdown is on. In less than two months, I will be back in Walt Disney World. Not only is it my favourite place ever (which is why I have visited time and time again) but it an incredible destination to celebrate important milestones. My family and I will head down to Florida this spring in honour of my parent's fortieth wedding anniversary. Needless to say, I am excited. I absolutely love all things Disney. From the movies to the characters, music, merchandise, and of course, the theme parks...I am a self diagnosed Disney-aholic. Of course, when TOMS released their Disney inspired line of shoes, I was all over it. There were a few designs to choose from but the Cinderella pair (shown above) is easily my favourite.

This is not my first time wearing Disney themed shoes. (You might remember the Disney and Vans collaboration that featured amazing Toy Story themed items.) It is also not my first time wearing TOMS shoes. In fact, I have had several pairs over the years and wear them constantly. Not only do they look cute but they are ridiculously comfortable and help another person in need. That is the best kind of fashion there is! Each pair of TOMS is special, in my opinion, but these shoes are extra special. Of course, because they have that incredible Disney flair.

On the shoes themselves is this amazing Cinderella print. The drawings are so beautiful and feature Cinderella in several dresses. The glass slipper is highlight as well. As it should be! Even the inside of the shoes has lovely Disney focused details. On the inside of each shoe is a little drawing: one of Gus and one of Jaq. They are so adorable, I can't even deal with it. The illustrations make me smile each and every time I look at (or wear) the shoes. I know these will come in handy during my Disney vacation. They are cute, stylish, and oh-so-comfortable on the feet.

“No matter how your heart is grieving, 
if you keep on believing, 
the dream that you wish will come true.” 
– Cinderella

What do you think of these shoes? Do you wear TOMS?


  1. awww! these are too cute! I would love them too and wear very often

  2. Oh, it's been a while since last time I saw Toms collection, Disney is such a great idea !


    1. Agree! Toms are always super comfortable and you can never go wrong with Disney!

  3. Wow, those are a must have! Glad they used the original illustrations!

    The Flower Duet

  4. Wow! This shoes is great. I like it.
    Maybe follow for follow. Let me know on my blog.
    Wonderland Vibes

    1. Thank you! And I'm following you already, lovely!

  5. wow they are so lovely :)
    have a good day dear...
    My Fifty Shades Fashion Blog
    My Instagram

    1. Thank you so much! Hope you have a great day as well :)

  6. Ahhh these are adorable! I love the ones you chose, the Cinderella print is so pretty :D I need to add to my wishlist xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Aww thank you! Yes, they are super cute. Every time I look at them...I smile!

  7. Omg love them! these are soo cute *_*
    hope you have a wonderful day! kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

  8. shoes are really cute but not my style :)

    1. Fair enough! Not everyone wants to wear Disney shoes haha :)

  9. Such cute shoes!


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