Wednesday, March 6, 2019

review: khloe + malika (bff's bronzer, blush & glow palette)

Some people love the Kardashians. Others? Not so much. If you've been reading my blog or watching my YouTube videos for any amount of time, you are likely aware of my Kardashian/Jenner obsession. My favourite member of the family has always been Khloe (and in fact, I have written about her time and time again). There is just something about her. I love Khloe's bold personality and her incredible sense of style. Her makeup, accessories, and hair are always on point, too! Since I am such a huge fan....I knew that her makeup line with Becca (and with her bestie, Malika) was an absolute must. My mom was kind enough to gift me a bunch of products from the line for Valentine's Day, including the BFF's Bronzer, Blush & Glow Palette.

There were two different palette designs to choose from: one from Khloe and one from Malika. The Khloe palette is better suited to lighter complexions where the Malika palette has deeper shades and richer tones. For today's review, I will be reviewing, swatching, and showing a makeup look featuring the Khloe palette.

BFF's Bronzer, Blush & Glow Palette (Made With Love By Khloe) 

There is nothing like a little gold. All of the Khloe and Malika products from Becca come in either gold or silver packaging. The Made With Love By Khloe set came in ultra sturdy packaging with a golden finish. On the top there is a raised heart that resembles an old school Best Friends Forever necklace. (Don't those take you back to the good old days?) On the back of the palette is a sticker with each of the shade names. Though this seems to be pretty common with Becca products, I personally prefer the shade names to be printed inside the actual palette. Mostly because over time, the shadow names tend to get worn down and wear off. On the inside of the palette, there is a large mirror with the Becca logo as well as the BFFs heart. I really love the fact that the mirror is so big. That makes it really easy to use during travel or if you are on the go. It has a clasp to close the palette securely as well. When it comes to the packaging, overall it is impressive. I only wish the shade names could be found inside rather than a sticker slapped on the back.

As you can see from the picture above, these shades have lots and lots of shimmer. The palette includes: Glow Up (Soft Focus Highlighter), Fierce (Radiant Blush), Fabulosity (Radiant Blush), and Koko Bronze (Satin Matte Bronzer). Each product has almost a half pyramid shape and offers plenty of product. You certainly won't be running out of these shades any time soon! The first shade in the palette is a gorgeous highlight that can be worn quite softly or built up to look really intense. It adds a lovely amount of glow to the skin. This reflects light really well and still has a decent amount of payoff. The texture is smooth and easy to blend, which is always a plus. 

Next up are the two blush shades. The first is a soft coral toned shade with just as much shimmer as that lovely highlight. It has that same silky smooth texture and easily adds radiance to the skin. As for the second blush in the palette, it has more of a pink tone and is a little deeper in colour. Both shades look beautiful on their own, but personally, I really enjoy wearing Fierce with a little bit of Fabulosity dotted on the apples of the cheeks. This creates a more dynamic look with tons and tons of shine. Lastly, there is the bronzer. How well this works will depend entirely on your skin colour. I am quite fair and find that it works well as a bronzed blush or used very lightly to warm up the face. 

For the makeup look (shown below) I made sure to use every single item in this palette. The bronzer was used around the hairline and for a light contour. Then the coral toned blush was used along the cheekbones with the deeper shade on the apples of the cheeks. To finish it all off, I used a fluffy brush to layer the highlighting shade on top for lots of additional glow. 

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Overall, I am really impressed with this face palette. It has sturdy packaging, a beautiful selection of colours, and lots of glow. This is really easy to wear and a wonderful set to take with you during travel. In fact, I am debating taking this on my vacation in a couple of months! It would be a welcome addition to my travel makeup bag. This is one Becca set that definitely excels.

Looking for more beauty content? Then be sure to check out my latest YouTube video. It is a full face of Hard Candy products. Take a peek inside the House of Hard Candy set and find out which products are worth adding to your makeup collection.

Have you tried this Becca palette? What did you think of it?


  1. Love the effect! Your curls are gorgeous!

    The Flower Duet

  2. I have never tried it. maybe one day I will try it!

    1. I hope you are able to! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. Beautiful eyes and perfect make-up!
    Kisses, Paola.


  4. Nice post @luda.tischenko - instagram

  5. Wow, looks interesting! Love your review as always ))

  6. The colors are really beautiful, and your eyes are gorgeous, I wish mine were like yours.

    I understand you, I am also obsessed with the Kardashians 😉

    1. The colours are definitely really lovely! Haha glad someone else understands the Kardashian obsession!

  7. thanks for the comment <3
    i love this colors :D

  8. I haven't tried this palette but I love the selection of colours, it's really beautiful!

    Freak Muffin Blog


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