Thursday, April 18, 2019

easter charmed aroma candle (review + new bunny ring)

Easter is almost here. Hooray! This is one of my absolute favourite holidays. After all, it has all the things I like best: pastels, bunny rabbits, and chocolate. Since tomorrow is Easter Friday and Easter Sunday is coming up fast...I thought it only fitting that today's blog post be dedicated to something seasonal. A while back, I visited the Charmed Aroma store in my local mall. (Yes, there is an entire store now. I am in big trouble!) After seeing a picture of the Jumbo Easter Bunny Candle online, I knew going in that this was the candle for me.

Why was this candle the one? For starters, look at how cute it is! This ginormous candle comes in a pink and white spotted egg with bunny ears on top. It is ceramic and fits together perfectly. After the candle itself has been completely used, this can be stored and put away for next year. It makes for a fabulous Easter decoration. In terms of the cute factor, this is a total winner. The colours and shapes are so whimsical. Not only does this spring candle look great but it can also be used long after the candle has finished burning. Bonus! Now for the scent itself. This candle has a wonderful warm vanilla fragrance. It is light but not too light - making it the perfect way to relax and unwind after a long day.

So, it looks good and it smells good....but what was inside? In case you don't know (or missed my last post about Charmed Aroma) as you burn the candle, a small foil packet is revealed. Essentially, you dig it out and inside that packet is an accessory. Some have rings, others have necklaces, and some with earrings. It all depends on the type of candle you choose. This type of candle had a number of different bunny themed rings. Since my obsession with bunny rabbits is oh-so-real, I knew that as long as there were bunny ears, I would happy. Here is the ring that was included in my candle:

Isn't it the cutest? I am totally in love with that ring. It is so perfect for Easter, for spring, or any time I want to tell the world that I adore bunny rabbits. I love the simple design and the fact that it is super sparkly with lots of bling everywhere. It fit well and was exactly what I wanted. I did appraise this on their website and it had a value of about $50, I think. Not very high but it doesn't really matter, since I love the ring! In terms of burn time, this took much longer to reach the Easter themed accessory inside than my last candle. All in all, I would say about 8-10 hours of burn time.

Overall, I was thrilled with this candle. The Easter themed container, the scent itself, and of course, that beautiful was total perfection.

Speaking of total perfection, there is nothing like doing a bit of makeup shopping. My latest YouTube video is a haul featuring products from both Sephora and the drugstore. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Are you a fan of Charmed Aroma candles? What do you think of this ring?


  1. This is so fun!! The bunny ring is absolutely adorable!! I love the container for the candle, too!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Right?! I absolutely love candles...and I love accessories too! So this is the perfect mix for me. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. The bunny ring is beautiful. I love the bunny candle holder, the ears are so cute!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Yes, it's so cute! Got to love Easter themed items :)

  3. The ring is so cute! The candle is also beautiful, I wish in Spain we had Easter but here we celebrate a religious week instead, very boring in comparison.. Well, I guess it's a wonderful week for catholics, but I'm not religious so I'd preffer to celebrate Easter ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Oh really? That's actually really interesting. I didn't know that! Celebrating Easter with chocolate and bunny rabbits is always a lot of fun. I hope you are able to enjoy the week, regardless!

  4. So cute, happy easter dear 😍

  5. Yaaay, that bunny candle is so cute <3 ◡‿◡✿

    Blog de la Licorne

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, the ring is super cute! Thank you! I hope you had a great holiday as well :)


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