Thursday, April 4, 2019

review: katy perry indi perfume

Yes, I am a completion-ist.  Once I start a collection, there is this need in me to either finish or continue it. Perhaps that explains my massive perfume collection. (You can see that on my YouTube channel here.) It absolutely explains the addition of the Katy Perry fragrance, Indi. I have several other bottles from her line, so whenever I lock eyes on a new simply has to be mine. Collection needs aside, is Indi a must-have scent? How does it compare to her other perfumes? Here is everything you need to know...

The set pictured above is one that I found a while back for a really great price. (Which is always a bonus. Who doesn't love discount shopping?) As you can see, this particular set comes with a body lotion, a bottle of perfume, and a shower gel. I absolutely love sets like this because the shower gel always comes in handy and those extra items are a great way to layer the scent. That really makes it last throughout the day! They were wonderful bonus items and made the set well worth it.

Next up? The bottle. The actual for Indi is bold but still fairly simple. It has a square black cap (with KP INDI printed along both sides) and a long white porcelain base. The name of the fragrance is printed on the front and on either side of the bottle itself are the words PUT THE U IN INDIVIDUAL. In terms of the packaging, this is quite different from other Katy Perry perfumes. In the past, her bottles have been ultra cute (cat shapes with bejeweled eyes) and confident (a unique pointed shape). This is decidedly more sophisticated.

The same can be said for the scent itself. Indi is strong. Striking. Captivating. While many of Katy's other perfumes are a little more romantic and whimsical...this has a certain kind of oomph. It is bold, woody, and has a vibrancy that cannot be denied. This is a scent to wear to a job interview or a dinner with someone you want to impress. It has this strength (not that the scent is strong but that it feels empowering to wear it) that would compliment any occasion. Any time you want to make a lasting impression, consider Indi.

On a regular basis, Katy's other fragrances are likely to peak my interest more. That being said, Indi is a fabulous scent. It is strong, musky, and downright irresistible.

Also! In case you missed it, my latest video is up on Mansa Fashion. YouTube channel. It is all about a Juicy Couture eyeshadow palette...

Have you tried Indi? What did you think of it?


  1. I did'nt hear this brand😊 thanks for your sharing 😊 have a nice day...

  2. It looks like a fabulous set!! I'm always looking for a new fragrance to try :) Thanks for the awesome review!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. If you're looking for a new one...this is definitely worth a try! I really enjoy it. Thank you so much <3

  3. I never heard Katy made a perfume. I need to go and try it

  4. Hi! Interesting products. The packaging is so cute!
    I hope you´ll visit my blog soon. Have a nice day!

    1. Of course! And yes, the packaging is really lovely :)

  5. well sounds interesting
    new post

  6. I need to find it in store. :-) Thanks for the awesome review!

    1. Aww you are so welcome! Thank you for your comment!


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