Friday, April 26, 2019

trend alert: polly pocket fashion + beauty

Have you noticed? Nostalgia has taken over. Whether you are looking for a summer concert to add to your wish list or something style related....what was old is new again. Though there are many throwbacks that are back in vogue (from choker necklaces to denim overalls) the most intriguing to me personally is the Polly Pocket trend. When I was a kid, Polly Pocket play sets were my everything. I had dozens of them...including a necklace version that I took with me pretty much everywhere. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the brand, many Polly Pocket items have been released in the last several months. Here is a closer look at some of the hottest Polly-related products....

Polly Pocked Themed Clothing

As you can see from the pictures above, these t-shirts from Hot Topic (which you can check out here and here) are totally 90s. The soft colours, tie dyed effect, and whimsical aesthetic definitely takes me back to my youth. There are several designs available and honestly, I want to add all of them to my wardrobe. Each one manages to transport me to a simpler time. A time when I used to walk around with a Polly Pocket play set in my back pocket or in a locket around my neck. Ahh, those were the days. This fashion trend certainly makes it easy to remember the innocence of youth.

Polly Pocket Inspired Makeup

In addition to the many Polly Pocket inspired fashion options there are lately... there is also plenty of makeup. There are themed eyeshadow and lip palettes available from Hot Topic. However, there are also the Lime Crime Pocket Candy palettes. These share that same hard plastic exterior with the bright fun colours. They are classic and totally cute. While I haven't tried out the Hot Topic options, I did a full review of the Pocket Candy palette in Bubble Gum as part of my 90s theme week. Though the packaging was everything, the quality of the shadows was very hit or miss. 

Polly Pocket Jewellery and Accessories 

Talk about accessories! There are backpacks, purses, wallets, and hats to be found...but the jewellery is easily the most impressive. The pieces shown above are just a few of the designs from fashion designer, Mimi Wade. Each one boasts elegant stones, luxury materials, and of course, Polly Pocket figurines. These classic Polly's are fun, bold, and downright exciting. They bring you back to a simpler time and allow you to float away in blissful nostalgia...without sacrificing your desire to look absolutely fabulous. Though these are out of my price range, I would be thrilled to have any (and all) of the designs from this Polly Pocket inspired collection. 

What do you think of the Polly Pocket trend? Do you own any of these items?


  1. Cute post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Replies
    1. So glad you think so! Thank you for stopping by :)

  3. They're so cute!! My niece adored Polly Pockets...she'd love all of this!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Nice goodies.They look so cute.Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh my gosh! How cute are these?!?!?! I was just watching an artist vlogging about how she ordered all these old Polly Pocket sets on Ebay:) I think they're all super cute esp. the jewelry. I'd wear those in a heartbeat:)
    Have an awesome weekend:)

    1. Really? Oh that is so cool! I have a bunch from when I was a kid and I really want to unearth them from my parents basement. I'd definitely wear the jewellery as well! So cute.

  6. I remember Polly Pocket :) Everything is cute.

  7. So cute and pastel. It brings back so many memories!
    Loren | Plaid & Sugar

    1. It really does! I almost bought that Polly Pocket backpack from Hot Topic the other day. I was so tempted!

  8. OMG!
    so many memories!
    I still have my collection at my parents home...
    have a great weekend!

    1. Oh gosh, me too! I really want to dig it all out and reminisce!

  9. Aww I love Polly Pocket and all these items, I have the yellow palette by Lime Crime and it's so cute ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. The Lime Crime palettes absolutely win on the cute factor!

  10. This is so nice the colors are cute

  11. Cute! I don't own anything with Polly Pocket, but I sure did own the toys when I was little. I would love to get my hands on them for my daughter. Not sure if I would wear them, my personal favorites are the Finnish Moomins. I have lots of clothing with them, but they are timeless so not retro really. Thanks for your comment on my blog!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

    1. That's awesome! I'm glad you had them when you were a kid. These are definitely nostalgia triggering. Thank you so much for your comment :)


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