Saturday, May 4, 2019

budget travel tips (that won't sacrifice an amazing getaway)

The spring and summer months are the perfect time to get away from it all. Sadly, our bank accounts don’t always agree! Once the weather gets warm, those to-do list seems to multiply like crazy. From social gatherings to concerts and home maintenance…. there are so many things that drain the piggy bank. Think you can’t afford a vacation this year? You can! It is always possible to travel well. Even on a budget. Looking to save cash – and still enjoy an awesome vacation? Make the most of these budget friendly travel tips.

Start Your Travel Fund Now. Whether you are picturing a last-minute getaway or are planning something way in advance, this first tip is a must. The time to start saving for your vacation is right now. After all, there is so much more to budget friendly travel than saving money during the trip. Start before. Do you stop at Starbucks every day before work? Limit it to Fridays only. Do you go out for lunch or dinner often? Cut back. Are you part of a beauty box or magazine subscription? Do you have a yearly pass for the zoo? These types of extra expenses can be easily cut out or limited. This will help you save money for a trip fairly quickly.

Be Careful What You Book. There are as many vacation options as there are places to visit. This is a wonderful thing! All of those choices make it possible for you to save money. For instance, you can choose a more affordable destination, go during off-peak travel times, bundle your hotel and airfare together, use coupon codes, join loyalty clubs, try looking for last minute deals, look for discounts on social media, and be flexible with your schedule. Rather than booking the first flight you find…. look around. With a positive attitude and a little bit of work, you can secure a one of a kind experience without overspending.

Other Important Money Saving Tips
  • Avoid putting too much in your suitcase. That can lead to overweight baggage fees on your way there and on the way back.
  • Check the weather forecast for your chosen destination before you go. This will let you know whether you should bring along an umbrella or short shorts. Planning ahead will prevent you from needing to purchase items at your chosen destination. 
  • Pack important items, like maps and transportation information. That way, you won’t have to rely on expensive cab rides or pay for a local map during your stay.
  • Give yourself a daily budget that accounts for all food, drinks, activities, and souvenirs. Then do what you can to stick to that budget throughout the day.
  • Walk as much as possible. This will save you money on transportation fees and give you a chance to check out the sights, up close and personal. 
  • Bring along snacks and bottled water if at all possible. That way, you will be less tempted to overspend when you pass by a food cart or cafe.
  • Pick up last minute tickets to events, attractions, and performances. Many major cities, like New York City or Las Vegas, offer discounted prices for last minute seats. This can slash your entertainment budget by up to 60%!

See? Saving money is simple, from planning to enjoying that picture perfect getaway. Get creative and have fun. These money saving tips can help you discover your destination in a totally different way. So, put on your thinking cap and get ready to save this season.

Are you planning to travel any time soon? Where will you visit?


  1. These are all fabulous tips!! I love to travel and try to take one big trip a year :) Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. I'm so glad you love to travel as well! It is such a wonderful experience.

  2. All of these suggestions are wonderful!

  3. I promised myself at the end of last year I'm going to save some money for holidays and that didn't happen :) Thanks for the tips on how to make it happen, maybe next year I'll be better prepared.

    1. That was a wonderful promise! I hope these tips can help you start saving up for something fabulous.

  4. Love these suggestions! I had to do a serious subscription edit recently and it helped a lot.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Ooh that's awesome! The little things absolutely add up.

  5. great tips! I love travelling))

  6. Thank you for tips~! Planning a trip is the most exciting thing for me, probably not less exciting than a trip itself ))

    blog: MyBlondeGal
    insta: @choi.olga.korea

    1. Oh, I totally agree with you there. It's so exciting to plan *and* to actually go!

  7. These budget travel tips are really helpful. Nice Post! Have a great day!

  8. Great post.
    Thank you for sharing! :)
    New post -

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate your support :)

  9. Very useful tipps dear , thanks 😊


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