Wednesday, May 29, 2019

review: paris hilton cosmetics (soft glam eyeshadow palette)

I still remember the first eyeshadow palette in my collection. My sister had given me a massive Sephora brand palette for Christmas....and it revolutionized my makeup life. Before then, it had been all quads, trios, and singles. An entire palette full of eyeshadow options shook my makeup loving self to the core. My creativity went into overdrive. There were more colour combinations than I ever imagined possible. Right before my eyes. Since that day, palettes have always been a beauty favourite of mine. I love the endless possibilities!

Over the last few years, I've been having fun trying out a variety of items from Paris Hilton Cosmetics. From single eyeshadows to highlights and everything in between. (You can check out some of those reviews here and here.) Despite all of the Paris Hilton products I've tried, there was always something missing: an eyeshadow palette. Then, finally there is was. The Soft Glam Palette. Here is everything you need to know about this 18 pan eyeshadow set.

Paris Hilton Cosmetics: Soft Glam Palette (Packaging)

This palette excited me right from the start. Partly because it was Paris Hilton Cosmetics palette and partly because I love trying out new makeup. When it comes to the packaging, it is fairly standard. It has a sturdy cardboard base and a magnetic closure. However, there are some really fabulous details here. Ones that are not normally seen in a drugstore (or similarly priced) palette. It has a mirror on the top with a Paris Hilton signature printed in the corner. The best part? The eyeshadow names are printed underneath each shade. This is a rarity! I also love the gorgeous picture of Paris Hilton on the front of the palette and the fact that there are application directions printed on the back. When it comes to the packaging....I was very impressed.

Shade Selection and Shadow Names

The inside of the palette is just as impressive. There is a wonderful selection of wearable shades. Soft Glam features a number of neutral matte shades, shimmery metallics, and satin finished smokey shadows. It has variety in terms of finishes as well as the colours themselves. There are champagne shades, pinks, warm metallics, browns, and more. I absolutely love that this palette can be used to create simple daytime looks as well as dramatic nighttime creations. 

Shades include: Fresh, Spicy, Sassy, Low Key, Calm, Clever, Bold, Cheeky, Happy, Witty, Smooth, Chill, Saucy, Daring, Warm, Easy Going, Wise, and Genuine. 

Swatches and Pigmentation 

All I can say is wow. Look at those swatches! Going in, I wasn't sure what to expect with the pigmentation. Seeing as this was a more affordable palette, my expectation was that it would be...okay. Maybe hit or miss. I was shocked to discover that every single shade was richly pigmented, creamy in texture, and downright bold in colour payoff. Even the lighter shades stood out. Even the matte shades. It was shocking in the best possible way. They perform as well as they swatch, which is an added bonus as well. These shadows are honestly fabulous. The palette rivals high end brands in terms of quality...but cost a fraction of the price. This palette set me back a mere $13. 

Though I've created quite a few dramatic looks using this palette lately (I love it and reach for it on special nights out), the one I wanted to share with you today is perfect for daytime. It is soft, romantic, and glamorous. Be sure to let me know what you think of it in the comment section below.

Rating: 5 / 5 

Overall, this palette blew me away. It exceeded any expectations I may have had...and then some. The packaging has high end details, there is a wonderful variety of shades, and it offers spectacular pigmentation. If you can find this eyeshadow palette....I highly recommend you add it to your collection. It is truly fabulous. 

Have you tried this palette? Are you a fan of Paris Hilton Cosmetics?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. Great post

  2. Not going to lie I didn't even know she created her own cosmetics company, but the shades looks super cool. I wish there were more matte shades though. Thanks for sharing!

    - Avalon from

    1. Yeah, there are actually quite a few fabulous products in her line! Thank you so much :)

  3. Colours and pigments 😊 love this pallete...

  4. The shadow looks fabulous, pigmentation adds more beauty to the color

    1. Absolutely! I was really impressed with the pigmentation.

  5. Oh, I don't know about this cosmetic brand, thank you :)

    1. Glad I could let you know about it! Take care :)

  6. gosh that palette is sooooo good!
    love those that a bit shimmery

    1. It really is! I adore shimmer shades so this is totally up my alley!

  7. Amazing shades, I love this palette!
    Kisses, Paola.


    1. It's a really beautiful one! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  8. I didn't know this palette but I love the makeup look you made and the shades selection is really awesome!

    Freak Muffin Blog

  9. Wow, I love the shades of this palette and it looks great on you.

  10. Oh very cute palette darling

    *Please don´t publish links on my blog


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