Friday, June 21, 2019

budget shopping tips for a new summer wardrobe

One thing I love about summer? New clothes. Step foot in any store and the racks are full of cute shorts, tank tops, maxi dresses, and other seasonal must haves. New clothes can be pretty tempting for a fashion lover. Just think of all the summer favourites, trendy pieces, and fun extras. Are you on a budget this season? Me too...and there is nothing wrong with that. You can still score cute summer pieces without spending a ton of cash. All you need to do is keep these budget shopping tips in mind the next time you head out.

Think About What You Already Own. Have you ever bought a pair of cut off shorts only to discover you already had four pairs stuffed at the back of the closet? It happens all the time. Often we forget what we own and re-buy items unnecessarily. One way to stick to a summer wardrobe budget is to know what you own. Then make a list of any gaps. Maybe you need a new pair of sandals or your basic tank tops look grubby and need to be replaced. Once you know what you need you can make the most of every penny you spend.

Check Out The Clearance Section. Sometimes great deals fall into your lap. Other times you need to hunt them down. Whatever summer items you are looking for – start at the back of the store. This is typically where you can find discount items. There might be nothing there you want or need. But every now and again you can snag something off of your summer wants list. Thank goodness for sales! You may also want to download coupon apps or look for online discounts. 

Mix and Match Classic and Trendy. There is something exciting about trendy pieces. They can instantly jazz up an outfit. The key to a budget friendly wardrobe is to mix and match those trendy pieces with classic items. Pair a printed crop top with the denim shorts you have sitting in your closet. Or your favourite cotton skirt from last year. Incorporate a few trendy pieces into your existing wardrobe so you can avoid spending a ton of cash on clothing that doesn't have longevity.

Think Before You Buy. Every now and again, we have moments. You know, those moments when you fall head over heels in love with something. It could be a denim vest that caught your eye. Or perhaps a floppy 70s inspired sunhat. It doesn’t matter what the item is…. there just happens to be something special about it. Been there before? If it happens again, wait before you buy the item. Take a stroll around the store, go to another store altogether, or grab lunch. Unless you can’t get the item out your mind (and it is still within budget), leave it. Often the pieces we simply have to have lose their luster once we walk away.

Budget shopping doesn’t have to limit your creativity. Or your summer style. Focus on what you need, find great deals, mix and match, and avoid emotional purchases. Your wallet will thank you!

How will you liven up your summer wardrobe? Share your own budget friendly tips in the comment section below!


  1. Replies
    1. So glad you think so! thank you very much for reading!

  2. I like the mix a match dear :)
    Have a lovely weekend!
    My Fifty Shades Fashion Blog
    My Instagram

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a great weekend as well!

  3. These guidelines really helps before we plan for shopping.

    Have a great weekend...

    1. It really does make such a huge difference. Thank you!

  4. These are some great tips, especially the last point I totally agree with you. Thanks for sharing hun. Have a great weekend!!

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you had a wonderful weekend as well :)

  5. Great tips as always, Shannon:) The first tip is definitely something I try to do more. I always end up wanting the same stuff then have to stop myself after I realize I already have the same sort of item in my wardrobe. Thanks for the reminder to be more mindful:)
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!

    1. Right?? I have done that SO MANY times. Thank you so much and I'm so glad this was helpful!

  6. Amazing post! Thanks for the useful tips!

  7. Indeed! Mix and matching is always great and even makes you creative with the outfit!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Yes, it really does! It's amazing how much it can change the look up!

  8. I end up buying aspirational clothes. Clothes I would fit into. Some day. Never works.

    Jenny’s Bicycle-Indian Fashion Blog!!

    1. I've done that before. Clothes that maybe weren't totally my style but I *wanted* them to be my style. I've tried to stop doing that!

  9. I love those fashion tipps. I am always checking my wardrobe first and I buy what I need at the beginning. Then I am visiting my favorite brands several times to find clothes that I can use by many different combinations ☺️

    1. That can really make a huge difference! Such great suggestions :)


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