Wednesday, June 19, 2019

kiehl's overnight lip treatment (review)

Lip balm is never far away from me. It's become a bit of a recurring with my blue Nivea tube. We are two peas in a pod! I guess that's what happens when your skin is on the dry side. You become well acquainted with a number of different moisturizing products. While my go-to item is the Essential Lip Balm from Nivea, more recently I was gifted the Kiehl's Overnight Lip Treatment. The Buttermask For Lips seemed like the perfect product for me. Immediately, I loved the idea of an overnight lip mask. The idea of waking up to hydrated lips was certainly appealing. Curious about how it performed? Keep reading to find out how this high-end item worked for me....

When it comes to the packaging, this Overnight Lip Treatment from Kiehl's is all about practicality and functionality. The lip mask comes in a small round container with a beige screw on lid with a simple white label. Certainly nothing special to look at - but sometimes a product isn't about the flash and outer appearances. It's all about effectiveness.

Sadly, I didn't find this product to be overly effective. It applies like any other lip balm - but seeing as it is an overnight lip mask, I expected the product itself to be thicker or more nourishing on the lips. It doesn't perform badly but it simply doesn't impress. After a few weeks of consistent application before bed, there was...nothing. I woke up each morning with my lips as dry as ever. In fact, they felt drier than if I were to apply a thick layer of my Nivea lip balm before bed instead. I hoped that the more I used the lip treatment, the more noticeable the results would be. That simply wasn't the case for me.

That isn't to say that this is a bad product. In fact, it seems to have quite a few positive reviews over on the Sephora website. However, it didn't do much for me. If you aren't a total lip balm addict - and don't have dry skin or lips - this may work just fine. If you are someone who needs ultra nourishing items, lots of moisturizers, and creamy lipsticks, this is likely to fall short.

Overall, I wasn't super thrilled with the way the Kiehl's Buttermask for Lips Overnight Lip Treatment performed. It didn't cause a reaction or make things worse...but it didn't improve thins either. All in all, it was a letdown. For the time being, I think I'll stick to my old faithful blue lip balm from Nivea. At a fraction of the cost, that drugstore item wins out on every level.

Rating: 1 / 5 

Have you tried this Kiehl's lip mask? What did you think of it?


  1. I loved this brand's product 😊 Thanks for your sharing 😊

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. I really appreciate it!

  2. se ve estupendo! Me gustaría probarlo! Espero verte pronto por mi blog! Buen día!

    1. If you do, I hope you like it. Thank you for visiting!

  3. Ohhh this product sounds really good!! Thanks for sharing!

    Jadieegosh   Instagram

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate your support :)

  4. Replies
    1. If you end up trying it, fingers crossed it works better for you than it did for me!

  5. Interesting review! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Oh thanks forn share your honest review

    **Please don´t publish links on my blog

  7. kiehls the best! thank you for sharing...
    ig @grace_njio

    1. I haven't tried any of their other products but I am certainly curious about them. Thank you!

  8. I haven´t tried it but thank you for your honest review :) Would you like to follow each other? If yes, please follow me on my blog and I´ll follow you back :) -

    1. Of course! It's so important to be honest about how a product performs! And yes, of course. Following you :)

  9. The products of this brand are very good
    hello I just discovered your block and I followed. I'd appreciate it if you stopped by :)

    1. Thank you very much for the support! Followed :)

  10. Replies
    1. I hope you're able to and that it works for you!

  11. Replies
    1. Hopefully you're able to give it a try for yourself :)


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