Monday, June 10, 2019

new purses: betsey johnson + barbie

"Handbags speak louder than words." This is more than a humorous's true. I firmly believe that the purse you carry can reveal an awful lot about you. Maybe it says something about your mood that day (quirky, understated, or casual) or perhaps is telling of your personality (colourful, outgoing, or modest). To some, a purse is just a purse. But it can also be a whole lot more. If you couldn't tell, I have a certain love affair with handbags. They don't necessarily have to be expensive or come from a high-end designer store for me to love them. In fact,  most of mine are pretty affordable. More recently, two new purses entered my life. Which is why today's blog post is dedicated to my latest loves.

Betsey Johnson Telephone Purse

It was love at first sight with this Betsey Johnson purse. As you can see, it looks like a telephone! There is a rotary dial on the front (so cute) and a telephone receiver on the top. It is so stinking adorable. In the past, I have had a serious addiction to Betsey Johnson purses because they just ooze personality. Her designs are whimsical, fun, and never take themselves too seriously. Case in point? The pizza shaped purse that is already in my collection. When it comes to this phone looks amazing, it's unique, and has plenty of fabulous details. For starters, I love the heart shaped quilting on the bag itself. But then there is the telephone receiver. I thought it was just decorative but turns out, it actually works. You can plug the cord into your cell phone and actually talk through the telephone receiver. There are even volume controls and a button to hang up. Fashionable, functional, and downright unforgettable. 

Barbie Zippered Tote Bag

The next bag is the perfect combination of of past and present. Growing up, I always loved playing with my Barbie dolls. Confession? My very first word was "Barbie." No lie. The first word I ever spoke really was Barbie. I guess I have always loved her! This grey tote bag was released to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Barbie. It is understated (thanks to the grey colour and simple Barbie silhouette), fun (with that bright pink tassel), and practical (it's ultra roomy, comfortable to wear, and has a zipper along the top). This purse is stylish, easy to wear, and most importantly, makes me smile. 

There you have it! Those are a couple of new bags that have made their way into my collection. I love that both have lots of personality...because that is what makes fashion so fun.

On another note. In case you missed my latest YouTube video, this one is all about Disney. (Yes, more Disney! I am a little addicted. Find out my answers to the Disney TAG and be sure to answer them yourself if you are so inclined.) Take a look...

Do you like these purses? Have you bought any new handbags lately?


  1. Picture 2 very cute 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Omg no way! The receiver actually works with your cellphone!? That's amazing haha Love it!

    Renee @ Maritime Mama

    1. It does! Trust Betsey Johnson to come up with something so cool/crazy!

  3. How fun is that purse!! That you can use the receiver is awesome!! Love the Barbie tote, too!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Thank you so much! These bags are definitely a lot of fun :)

  4. That is such a fun purse!

    1. It really is! That's why I live Betsey Johnson so much. Her designs are always super fun!

  5. How cute is that phone bag!?!?! And I love that Barbie is your first word. Hehe
    PS Love your tag vid. Ursula is my fave villain too! She's awesome:) And who didn't have a crush on Prince Eric? :D

    1. Thank you!! Haha yes, she's definitely a great villain and her song is the best!

  6. Hi! Beautiful purses, thanks for sharing that selection.
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful day as well :)


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