Friday, June 14, 2019

paris hilton: love it or leave it?

Some people love Paris Hilton. Other people loathe her. If you've been reading my blog (or watching videos on my YouTube channel) for any amount of probably know which side I am on. Though I adore her style, her music, fragrances, and just about everything else you could possibly list, there are quite a few nay-sayers out there. That's okay. Everyone is entitled to their own option. Which is precisely what my love it or leave it? posts are all about. When it comes to fashion, everyone sees something different. For instance, one person might adore an outfit and someone else might think it is the greatest look ever put together. Today, let's take a peek at a recent Paris Hilton ensemble and see where the chips fall. That's right, it's time for another edition of love it or leave it?

What I Love: I've got to say, there is a lot to love here. Pink is my absolute favourite colour and this look is so totally over the top pink. This is Barbie chic done right! From the pink rims of the sunglasses to the pink purse and pink dress, this look does a wonderful job of using different shades of pink together. I also really enjoy the different textures. For instance, you have that textured print on the top of the dress to contrast the smooth material on the lower half of the dress. Then the purse has studs and details to further play with texture and contrast. It is fabulous. Even though the colour is bold and playful, the actual style of the dress is quite chic and sophisticated. The balance is just right.

What I Loathe: There isn't a lot that I dislike. It is really just the shoes that slightly irk me. Considering the fact that the rest of the outfit so effortlessly balances different shades of pink, it would've been nice to see the shoes be a soft pink instead of those white embellished heels. It's not that they don't go exactly...more that it was a missed opportunity to really commit to this pretty in pink look.

Overall, I am a fan of this outfit. I love the Barbie inspiration, the playfulness, and unexpected elegance of the dress itself. Paris Hilton is definitely one to have fun with style and this particular look is proof of that.

Just in case you missed it, be sure to check out my latest YouTube video. It is all about the new Hard Candy Body Luminizers. They are definitely fun add ons for the summer months ahead....

What do you think? Love it or leave it?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. Paris Hilton'unun kendine ait özel bir tarzi var biraz farklı biraz da dikkat çekici ama gerçek şu ki kendine çizdiği bu imaj ile Hilton soyadından farklı olarak bir kitle edindi 😊

    1. You are so right! Paris definitely has a special style that is all her own! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. It used to be very popular, but now I haven't heard about Paris for a long time

    1. I feel like she's having a comeback of sorts lately! With her makeup line and DJ-ing!

  3. Paris *.* beautyfull women :) amazing post honey!
    kisses from Poland :*

  4. She looks fab in pink... Barbie girl!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


  5. Pink is her color for sure. Amazing post!

  6. Oh very interesting review darling
    Please don´t publish links on my blog

  7. Great post. I am a fan of Paris Hilton.

  8. I love the dress, pi k is one of my favourite colours and that style fits Paris really well ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Same! I love pink. It has always been my favourite colour :)

  9. Ohw love the dress...

  10. I'm not a fan of her, but I sure like pink! It's currently the favorite color of my daughter, so I've been seeing quite a lot of it lately...
    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

    1. Aww that's too cute! Pink is my favourite colour as well, so I certainly relate.

  11. Not a huge fan
    My Instagram:
    My Blog:

    1. Fair enough! Thanks for stopping by and sounding off!

  12. To be honest I don't like her too much.

    1. Fair enough! Everyone has their own preferences!


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