Tuesday, June 4, 2019

revisiting an old favourite: milani easybrow brow pencil

Editing Note: Since Milani chose to contribute to a campaign that involved the harassment and bullying of a domestic violence survivor, I no longer support the brand and do not recommend their products. Spend your money wisely and look elsewhere. 


It's been a while. I used to buy Milani products fairly regularly (as you can see from past posts here and here) but purchased less and less from the brand as time went on. This is partly because the Milani sections at the drugstores around me seem to get smaller and smaller - and are never restocked - and partly because I stopped being able to find the Milani easybrow brow pencil. It was at one point my must-have eyebrow product. So, imagine my surprise when I randomly saw it back in stock. I simply had to try it again. Would it be as good as I remembered? Or would it be a total makeup flop? Keep reading to find out how it performed in this revisited review.

Milani Easybrow Brow Pencil (Product Claims + Review)

These days, there are all sorts of brow products on the market. From pencils to gels to markers and powders....you name it! Well groomed and boldly defined eyebrows have become a serious beauty trend. As someone with naturally full brows, this is a major relief. (I still remember hating my eyebrows back when the super skinny drawn on brows were all the rage.) With so many eyebrow products to choose from these days, I wasn't sure how the Milani Easybrow brow pencil would hold up. Back when I first started using it, there were half as many options as there are now. 

To start, let's take a closer look at the product claims. According to the packaging, this item: 
  • has a smooth glide formula
  • is water resistant
  • includes a spoolie shaping brush
  • doesn't require sharpening 

The shade that I purchased was 03 Natural Taupe but there is one other shade available as well, which is 02 Dark Brown. In terms of the shade selection, it is fairly limited. That being said, I enjoy the Natural Taupe shade more than the Dark Brown...even though my brows are fairly dark. The lighter shade makes for a more natural finish. (Which is something I prefer during the summer months.) As for the claims, I would say this product really delivers on what is promised. The formula is quite smooth and the applicator makes it quick and easy to apply. The addition of the spoolie brush is wonderful because it makes it simpler to achieve perfectly groomed brows. Plus, the fact that the product twists up and doesn't require sharpening makes this a fabulous brow item to travel with. The only drawback would be the amount of product you use with each application. I don't think this will last for a long time...which makes a standard brow pencil a whole lot more economical. That being said, you can't beat the ease of use. 

The Milani Easybrow brow pencil performs just as I remembered. It makes it possible to achieve stunning brows quickly and easily. Though it won't last as long as a traditional brow pencil, it is a fabulous addition to any makeup collection. Here is hoping it remains in stock so I can continue to use it as time goes on. 

Have you tried the Easybrow brow pencil? What are your eyebrow must haves?


  1. It looks like a good product dear thanks for sharing 😊

  2. Great post :) Thank you for sharing :)

  3. Dear Shannon,

    I am so happy to find you again and to see that you still go on strong with your blog. We used to write a lot of years ago. Now I have created a new page and would really appreciate it if you had a moment to stop by.


    Btw, I find the Milani products very good for their price, but I totally agree with you regarding the restocking problem :)

    Have a nice evening

    1. Thank you so much! So glad to hear from you again! I visited your new page and will be sure to stop by again. Take care, lovely!

  4. I love the Milani lippies but have never tried this pencil. Thanks for the review, Shannon. I'll give this a go next time I go to the Superstore around me!
    Have a great Wednesday:)

    1. Awesome! I definitely think you will enjoy it! Thank you so much :)

  5. I'd like to try this. Thank you.

    1. It's well worth a try! Thank you for visiting :)

  6. Thanks for your honest and detailed review!

  7. Great post https://www.ludatischenko.com

  8. Great post, dear! :)

    anastasjastyles.blogspot.ba <------------ new post


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