Wednesday, June 26, 2019

sinful colors nail polish review (copper a feel)

There is nothing like a good nail polish. The right colour can not only compliment a fabulous outfit but it can also boost your mood. Every time you look down at your nails...bam! Instantly, it makes you smile. Though I used to get my nails done at the salon every few weeks, these days, my go-to is a quick and easy at-home manicure. It's easier, more affordable, and fits in better with my schedule. Quite frankly, it has been a while since I added a new nail polish colour to my collection. (This is because my collection is already pretty darn full, which you can see in my nail polish organization + declutter video on my YouTube channel.) Then it happened. My co-worker walked in with fabulous nails. And I mean fabulous. Immediately, I asked her what shade it was and before I knew it, I was picking up a new nail polish from Sinful Colors.

My collection is somewhat familiar with the Sinful Colors brand. In the past, I added quite a few shades from the Kylie collection. (Check out that post and review here.) Those are polishes that I have reached for time and time again. That being said, it had been a while since I'd purchased a new colour from the line. This one was dubbed Copper a Feel and it was part of the Naughty Nudes collection. The name itself was fun and flirty, so that was a plus. Another plus was the price tag. I'd forgotten how ridiculously affordable this brand is. It cost around $2 CDN for the polish, making it an absolute steal.

Now to take a closer look at the shade itself. Below is a picture of the polish on my painted nails and as you can see, this is a really warm copper colour with flecks of glitter. It certainly falls into the category of a nude nail polish shade...but it still makes a statement. When the light hits just right, there is a fabulous dash of sparkle and shine.

The colour itself is something that I really enjoyed. I love that this can be seen as professional and put together - but it also has an undeniable dose of fun. Those small flecks of glitter just add a little extra dimension to the look. Though I really enjoy the end result, this formula was rather messy to use. It is quite thin and runny so it is best to go slow and apply a small amount of the product at a time. Generally speaking, I prefer a slightly thicker nail polish consistency (something like the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel, for instance). However, the price is amazing and the colour is wonderful. If you see a shade from Sinful Colors, pick it up! Just remember to go slow, wipe off your brush, and build the colour in thin layers.

Overall, this is a wonderful addition to my nail polish collection. In fact, another shade from the Naughty Nudes has also entered my life lately. My work friend gave me Tease. It is a white-pink pearly shade that I adore. So, expect to see that in an upcoming blog post as well.

Though this is a fabulous nude shade...I've also been enjoying more colourful beauty items lately. So, on that note, check out my latest YouTube video. It is all about the Violet Voss Rainbow eyeshadow palette.

Have you tried any nail polishes from Sinful Colors? What do you think of this shade?


  1. Un tono precioso ! Espero verte pronto por mi blog! Feliz día ! 🤗🤗🤗

  2. This is really a sinful color, I love it ☺️

  3. I really love the color of it. You have a really pretty hands too.

  4. Ciao cara! Davvero bellissimi questo colore di smalto!

  5. This color is so pretty! It looks great on your nails :)

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