Saturday, July 6, 2019

90s nostalgia concert + 90s inspired #OOTD

Ahh, the 90s. What a beautiful and simple time. In case you hadn't noticed, all things 90s are back again. From fashion to makeup to accessories and's all nostalgia all the time. Quite frankly, that suits me just fine! Especially since a large chunk of the music I listen to and enjoy is from the 90s and 2000s. When I look back at that decade, I remember the innocence, the whimsy, and the upbeat music. Not to mention the blow up furniture, choose your own adventure books, and body glitter. Recently, I had the opportunity to go back. At least for an afternoon. Not too far from me there was a 90s nostalgia concert taking place. The line-up was impressive and boasted one of my all-time favourite bands. So of course, I had to be there.

Though the concert didn't open its doors until 3pm, I started getting ready at about 11:30 in the morning. Partly because it would take us an hour or so to get to the venue and partly because I wanted to look my absolute best. I had my hair, makeup, and outfit all planned out. It was going to be Baby Spice inspired hair, frosted eyeshadow, brown lipstick, and an ultra 90s inspired outfit. Complete with a pink holographic fanny pack. Once I was finished getting ready, my friend and I jumped in her car and headed down to the event.

There were lots of people there when we arrived to the....venue. (It was actually just a giant parking lot with sectioned off areas.) Right off the bat, we saw an inflatable MOE's tavern from the Simpsons, a giant inflatable gummy bear, a 90s inspired bedroom, and an oversized Barbie box. It was 90s galore! Then there was merchandise and a place to purchase drink tickets. In the centre was the stage area, where they were playing lots of 90s music videos. On the other side there were food trucks and places to buy alcohol or fill up your water bottle. We took the time to explore, listen to music, and take lots and lots of pictures. The weather was fabulous and it was a really relaxed atmosphere to start. I loved every bit of the experience!

Eventually, it was time for the actual show to start. By that point, we had bought merchandise, had a few drinks, and eaten lots of 90s candy. First up in the line-up was Prozzak. In case you don't know, they are a fabulous Canadian pop band and their videos were always cartoons. It was kind of a secret for a long time about who the members actually were! I've been a fan for a long time so it was really awesome to see them perform.

Then it was time for the entire reason I was there. S Club. Oh my goodness, do I love S Club. So much so that I still have my S Club 7 dolls on display in my home office. I listen to their albums all the time, own every concert video and have every single episode of every single one of their shows on VHS tapes. A very long time ago, I actually got to see them and meet them at Much Music. They were the first celebrities I ever met and it was fabulous! To be able to see Jo, Tina, and Bradley perform in concert in 2019 was a dream I never even dared to dream. It was exciting, emotional, and everything I hoped it would be. S Club sounded amazing, had fabulous costumes, and danced like there was no tomorrow. I was in awe of them. They performed, S Club Party, Bring It All Back, Have You Ever, Never Had a Dream Come True, a 90s dance break, and Reach. I wish they would've been on longer but I was grateful for every single second.

By the time S Club was finished performing, we started to realize just how packed the place had gotten. So we decided to stay where we were instead of wandering around the rest of the area. Right Said Fred was next and then it was time for Vengaboys. They put on a really great show and my friend was in her happy place! The band had such high energy and fabulous costumes. It was impossible not to have a good time watching them. After that was Aqua. We had decided earlier in the day that we would watch Aqua from the back since it seemed like so many people were waiting for them. (And we didn't want to get squashed in that massive crowd!) So we went to the back and enjoyed what we could see of the show.

It was around ten thirty or so by the time we left the venue. While this was definitely a long was such a blast. We had so much fun getting dressed up 90s style, enjoying the flashbacks, and celebrating an incredible time in music. For me, the highlight was absolutely seeing S Club. What an honour! This was definitely the perfect way to kick start the summer season.

Do you have any concerts in your future? Would you go to a 90s show?


  1. you are such a cute barbie doll
    New post: Read more

  2. seems it was great show, you look pretty like always.
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    1. It was a wonderful show! I had a lot of fun :)

  3. Great photos 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  4. Beautiful. Happy Sunday.

    1. Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  5. Oh my goodness, how fun! A 90s nostalgic concert day sounds like a great one! <3 /Madison

    1. It really was! There should definitely be more events like this!

  6. Hi,
    Yes, I follow you :)


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