Sunday, July 28, 2019

does it work?? makeup eraser (review)

Makeup removal can be quite a process. A messy, time consuming process, and sometimes expensive process. There are oil-based removers, cold creams, facial wipes, and a million other removal-based products. Typically, my routine includes Simple Sensitive Skin Makeup Removing Cleansing Wipes - or the Neutrogena Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover for waterproof or stubborn products. A little while ago, I was given The Original MakeUp Eraser. Immediately, I was intrigued. If it worked, this product had the potential to save me money on removal products and make my life a whole lot easier. So...did it work? Is this my new holy grail makeup remover? Here is everything you need to know about The Original MakeUp Eraser.

First thing is first: just what exactly is the MakeUp Eraser? According to the company, it is "a reusable, ultra-soft makeup remover cloth that erases makeup with only warm water." It claims to remove waterproof makeup and mascara with only the cloth and water. Each cloth is designed to last for one thousand washes which doesn't just save you is also better for the environment. With claims like that, it is hard not to be excited about the potential. 

To use The Original MakeUp Eraser, you first wash the cloth. Then you wet the cloth with warm water, gently rub the cloth against your face, and ta da! All makeup should be completely removed. One side removes the makeup and the other side (which is slightly longer) is used for exfoliation. After the cloth has been used a few times (or is dirty), you simply throw it into the washer and dryer. Then it is ready to be used again.

After fully reading the instructions, I was ready to put this product to the test. It came in a cute eraser shaped box (I love a good packaging gimmick, which you can see proof of here and here!) Inside the pink "eraser" is a vibrantly coloured pink cloth. It is very soft to the touch and a fairly decent size. You can easily remove a full face of makeup over several days before the cloth will be "full" and need to be washed. So...did it work? Yes. Honestly, I was truly shocked. When I first wet the cloth and started to remove my makeup, I didn't actually expect it to work. Usually when something sounds too good to be true, it is. Not this time. I was able to remove a full face of makeup (waterproof mascara included) in less than twenty seconds. No intense rubbing of the eye area. It was gentle, effective, and thorough. Something to keep in mind is that there may be some light staining after you use and wash the cloth. This doesn't affect the way the cloth performs in future, however. It works just as well. 

All in all, this product was a massive success. I was so surprised by how quickly and easily it removed my makeup. This is something that will definitely be saving me money (and helping the environment) moving forward. 

Rating: 5 / 5

Have you tried The Original MakeUp Eraser? Did it work for you?


  1. Wow this could also really help lessen waste on wipes. Everyone should know about this brand!

    The Flower Duet

    1. It really could. I was so surprised and impressed!

  2. Replies
    1. It is! I was so stunned with how well it worked.

  3. It's good to know it works! :-)

    I've never try it. In my country there is a similar thing (and it's not new, I've seen in few years ago). But I haven't tested it too.

  4. I think that I have never really heard of this product before and it seems really interesting :)


    1. It sure is! I'm really happy it wound up working.

  5. Great product.

  6. Hi,
    Nice post :) I am new blogger, do you want to follow each other?

  7. Awesome product! I have to try it! <3

  8. This sounds amazing, I'm glad you enjoy using it. xx

  9. Thanks for the great review, I will check it out!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  10. Wow, looks interesting! thank you for sharing!

  11. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. @luda.tischenko - instagram


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