Thursday, July 18, 2019

review: silk'n titan (skin tightening and lifting)

When it comes to skin care, I'm a stop and start kind of girl. I'll find something that I like, use it for a week or two, and then slowly forget about my newly established routine. Since consistency is the most important aspect of skin care...this is an issue. So, when the Silk'n entered my life, I was a little nervous. Would I be able to follow through with the recommended ten weeks without stopping and starting. Guess what? I did. It took a lot of concentrated effort. In fact, I scheduled time with my Silk'n Titan device twice a week in my planner for ten weeks. Whether you are someone with excellent skin care follow through or you're a little less consistent (like me) it is still possible to put the Silk'n to use - and experience all the benefits.

In case you aren't familiar, Silk'n is all about bringing high-end services home. The brand was the first to offer Intense Pulse Light, or IPL, technology (to remove unwanted hair for men and women) for at home use. Additionally, it was the first of its kind to be approved by the FDA. Since then, their line of products has branched out to include skin care items that use Infrared Heat, LED Red Light and Blue Light technologies. Why is this significant? These at home systems allow users to enjoy the results of a high-end treatment for a lower price and without needing to leave the house. For someone like me, this is ideal. Not just in terms of cost but for my schedule. It can be difficult to pencil in lots of appointments when life gets busy. That often causes me to skip out on what I consider extras, like massages, getting my nails done, and skin care treatments. An at home system makes it possible to pamper your skin whenever your schedule allows.

As you can see from the picture above, the Silk'n Titan is what I have been using for the last several months. It comes in a large cardboard box with an outer piece that goes over top. It is ultra sturdy and everything fits right back into place after use. (If you are someone without a ton of additional space to store beauty items...this is one aspect you will really appreciate.) Want to take a closer look inside? Here is what you will find when you open up the Silk'n box...

The first thing you will see is a colourful booklet that says Congratulations! on it. This is where you will start to learn about your device. There is a booklet written in both English and French, so it is very easy for users to understand. Essentially, this introductory booklet is your quick and easy introduction to the machine. It describes what the Titan does, how to use it, how often to use it, and what you can expect moving forward. According to this booklet, the Titan:

Silk'n Titan is a powerful device for facial re-shaping, smoothing and skin tightening. The revolutionary rejuvenation tightening and lifting technology synergizes between 3 potent energy sources: Bi-Polar RF Energy, Red LED light and IR Heat Energy. This unprecedented combination ensures a uniform temperature throughout all levels of the skin during treatment. 

Phew! It definitely makes some powerful claims. The booklet also describes what the device does to each specific area it is used on. For instance, the forehead (tightening), right and left cheek (treat fine lines and volume building), right and left lower cheek (tightening and eliminating wrinkles), and neck (smoothing). Immediately, this little booklet gives you a wonderful idea of what to expect moving forward. As you can see from the photo, it also includes a grey cause (which holds the actual Titan device and the full instructional booklet) as well as a box that holds the Slider Hyaluronic Gel.

Essentially, you apply to slider gel to the area you are treating (forehead, right cheek, left cheek, right lower cheek, left lower cheek, or neck), plug in the Titan, and press it firmly against the skin. Move the device slowly for the next ten to fifteen minutes. Then you'll do the same thing in the next area, then the next, and so on. (If you aren't sure how to use it or are interested in learning more, be sure to check out this YouTube video demonstration.) There are different settings and you want to start off with the lowest setting and move up to higher settings for as long as you are comfortable. My experience with the settings varied. I have really sensitive skin so I was nervous at first to go too high and opted to stick to a 1 or 2 level. As the weeks progressed, I started to feel more comfortable and moved to a 3 or 4 and eventually, to the highest 5 setting. If you are interested in this product, definitely consider your skin type and work your way up slowly. There is no rush! Always pay attention to how you feel physically and of course, your overall comfort level. You know what is best for your skin.

The Titan is extremely easy to use and doesn't require a ton of your focus. Once you get the hang of what you're can certainly multi-task during your treatment sessions. Personally, I liked to watch episodes of Baywatch on Amazon Prime while using my Titan. It was something that kept me entertained but still allowed me to pay attention to the actual device. In terms of difficulty, I would say this product is fairly simple to use. The directions are laid out clearly (in both the full instruction manual as well as the simplified welcome booklet) as is the schedule (twice a week for ten weeks followed by a treatment every two weeks after that to maintain). It also provides absolutely everything you need to use the product. I love that the Slider Hyaluronic Gel is a large bottle that will last a very long time. It can also be repurchased from the brand in future. The sturdiness of the packaging and the thoughtful layout of every single item included is fabulous. It really gives a luxurious feeling to this fabulous device.

So, now for the real reason you are reading this. Did it work? Yes. I can honestly say it did. At first, I wasn't sure because (as mentioned in the booklet) you may not see visible results until you hit the five week mark. Once I hit that and as I reached the ten weeks....I saw some serious changes in my skin. It looked tighter, had a radiant glow, and the fine lines around the corners of my eyes were less pronounced. My skin was smoother and everything looked refreshed. I intend to continue using it every two weeks to maintain the results and keep my skin looking as fabulous as possible.

Have you tried anything from Silk'n? Would you consider adding the Titan to your skin care routine?


  1. I so want to try this now!! Thanks for the review!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. questo dispositivo mi incuriosisce tanto *_*

  3. Aaah this sounds sooo good - want to try it out too.

  4. I know this brand and its products are very valid!

    1. Yes!! I hear amazing things about their other products as well.


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