Saturday, August 17, 2019

beauty bookshelf: 10-minute hairstyles by andre martens

Here it is...the second edition of Beauty Bookshelf. This is a series dedicated to beauty-related reads. The books featured in this series can be about makeup, hair, lifestyle, photography, or anything else tied to beauty. The last time I did a post like this, I included a style book. This time, it is all about hair. Though many beauty lovers are wonderfully talented and creative when it comes to hair, I am not. Makeup is definitely my strong suit. Not hair! Typically I wear it straight, half-up-half-down, or in a ponytail. Which is why whenever a special occasion arises (or I want to try something different), I reach for the book, 10-Minute Hairstyles: 50 step-by-step looks by Andre Martens.

10 Minute Hairstyles Book Review

Reading has always been a big part of my life. Though normally, I like to read fiction books or a good biography...every now and then, it's fun to read about beauty-related topics. The 10-Minute Hairstyles book is one that I have had around for a couple of years. My husband kindly picked it up for me after hearing me complain about my lack of hair skills. Essentially, the book has step-by-step instructions on how to create a variety of different hairstyles. It was created by Andre Martens, who was the Head of Hair for Berlin Fashion Week and has been a L'Oreal ambassador for over two decades. The book has plenty of information, but it starts with details on hair care, styling tools, products to use, classic hairstyles, and bangs and parts. 

As you can see from the picture above, this book is wonderful for beginners. It breaks down all the essential tools and how to use them - as well as appropriate styling products and the best haircuts to suit a variety of different hairstyles. There is a wealth of information on hair basics just in the first section of the book. Before you actually get into any of the hairstyles! From there on, the book is loaded with fifty different hairstyles. Some are suitable for short hair, some for medium, and some for long hair. There are up dos, curled styles, waves, braided looks, and so much more. In fact, there is even a section on how to incorporate accessories into different hairstyles. 

Each hairstyle features written instructions as well as pictures that act as a visual how-to. Then there is the finished hairstyle on the opposite page. All of the styles claim they can be done in 10-minutes or less...but in my experience, this varies. Some take five to ten minutes and others take longer. It really depends on your hair thickness, length, and texture. The skill level required to achieve the looks varies throughout. Some I found were possible for me to do while others had so-so results. Again, it is really going to depend on your skill level. Especially when you get to some of the braided styles or rolled up dos. 

There is definitely an awful lot of useful information in this book. It covers the basics (tools, styling products, and effective haircuts) and offers a number of different hairstyles to try. While they likely won't all work for you....there are bound to be a few that help perk up your next 'do. 

Have you read 10-Minute Hairstyles? What is your favourite beauty-related book?


  1. Wow, this looks like an awesome book that would inspire me to do amazing things with my hair! :)

  2. This book looks so fabulous!! I usually take the easy way out and pull my hair into a ponytail :) I need to check this out!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Oh gosh, me too. Most of the time, it's in a ponytail or a bun, so this book is a good way to mix it up.

  3. Oh very interesting book darling

  4. great and useful book!

    1. Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful weekend :)

  5. Great post. Thank you for sharing! :)
    New post -

  6. Very interesting book.

  7. Estupendo post ! Espero verte por mi blog ! que tengas una feliz día! ♡♡♡


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