Friday, August 9, 2019

beginner series: going bright with your makeup

When I first started wearing makeup, colour was on the back burner. I was really hesitant to wear bright makeup at first. One wrong move and I could wind up looking like a Barbie doll from the 80s. I envisioned garish streaks of pink along the cheekbones, super bright lipstick, and one harsh eyeshadow shade all over the eyelid.  Not exactly soft and subtle. Despite my fear of bright makeup shades…I have been branching out over the last several years. A blue eyeshadow here. A purple lipstick there. Before long, I was saying so long to neutrals and had managed to incorporate colour into many of my makeup looks. If you are just getting started, bright colours may not be something you gravitate towards naturally. It is time for that to change. There are so many reasons to go bright with your makeup. Here are a few to consider. 

Bright Makeup Can Be Fun. Everyone falls into a makeup rut now and again. It is inevitable. You are running late on time and need to put something on quickly. Or you feel uninspired by your beauty products. Or maybe you are still learning and don't feel comfortable branching out. First, take a deep breath and remember that colour is not the enemy! A bright blue eyeliner can change your approach to makeup. Every once and a while, try adding in a subtle pop of colour. Maybe a bolder eyeshadow shade, a coloured eyeliner on the lower lash line, or a blush that is a little more noticeable. Not only will you look great – but the application process will feel fun and exciting. 

Bright Makeup Is Perfect For Summer. This is the time of year to get creative. Unlike fall, winter, and spring, the summer months are all about being carefree and colourful. This doesn’t just apply to your wardrobe or your mindset. It applies to your makeup as well! A few well placed products can infuse any look with all the fun and excitement summer is known for. Try something new. Be just a little adventurous. Just remember, if you don’t like it, at least you gave it a whirl. Take a chance and keep your makeup remover nearby, just in case. 

Easy Ways To Wear Bright Makeup. There are so many reasons to forgo the nudes and neutrals and play with colour this season. Not only is colourful makeup beautiful but it can also be really easy to wear. Start subtle and work your way up. Try a tinted lip balm in fuschia, orange, or purple. Or add a bit of green eyeliner to your lower lash line. The more comfortable you get the easier it will be to embrace bright, bold, and over the top colours.

It took me a while to wear colourful makeup. My world was once neutrals, nudes, and barely theres. Not anymore! Being able to pair neutral shades with brighter colours has allowed me to have fun with makeup like never before. Now it's your turn. Don't shy away from colour. Practice, be adventurous, and get ready to express your bolder side. 

Do you love wearing bright makeup? Or are you still on the fence?


  1. This read is perfect for me because when it comes to makeup, I'm still a beginner, I really struggle to put eyeliner on my lash lines because of my shaky hands. But little by little, I hope to be able to do it in a swift.

    1. Oh, that makes me happy. So glad this was helpful! I used to be awful with truly awful....but as you become more comfortable it will get way easier. Promise! <3

  2. This is very nice, great share.

    new post:

  3. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. @luda.tischenko - instagram


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