Thursday, August 1, 2019

makeup and beauty favourites (july 2019)

Everyone has their favourites. For me, those favourites tend to change periodically. I'll use one beauty product religiously then switch to something else, based on the season, new product launches, and current preferences. That is what inspired today's blog post. I wanted to show you a few of my current makeup and beauty favourites from July 2019. Here goes...

Too Faced Razzle Dazzle Berry Eyeshadow Palette

The first favourite on this list is an eyeshadow palette I keep coming back to. You may remember my original blog post and YouTube video dedicated to the Too Faced Razzle Dazzle Berry Eyeshadow Palette. If not, here is the gist: it is compact, smells amazing, and has eyeshadow shades that make my heart sing. Especially the shade Razzle. Lately, I have been using this set on weekend getaways, for work, and for nights out with friends. It is wonderfully versatile. 

The Emily Edit (The Needs Palette)

Next up is my beloved The Needs palette from The Emily Edit. This certainly lives up to the name! It has become an absolute need in my beauty routine. I have put this thing through the wringer, which you can see from the photo above. It is very loved. This palette has accompanied me on vacations, weekend trips, and is a staple in my everyday makeup looks. You can take a peek at my review of this set here or here, but what you really need to know is that the face products are incredible. The bronzer works perfectly, the blush is one of my all time favourite shades, and that highlight is nice and natural. As a bonus, there are also gorgeous eyeshadow shades, but it is the face products I've been obsessing over most lately. 

Rose Quartz Facial Roller

Another recent favourite is a rose quartz facial roller. You may have heard the buzz surrounding face rollers lately (they come in many different types, ranging from jade to amethyst to quartz) and what they do for the skin. Though some swear by them and others dismiss them entirely....I am a big fan of this particular roller. It is pleasantly cooling on the skin and allows skin care products to absorb better. Whether this roller actually contributes to younger looking skin or reduces under eye bags remains to be seen. However, it definitely adds a splash of luxury to my skin care routine. 

Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer

No summer favourites list would be complete without a little Jergens. I know I'm not alone in that opinion, because all of the most popular videos on my YouTube channel are Jergens related. Whenever the warm weather appears, I always reach for the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer. It adds a healthy glow to the skin - and of course a lovely tan. Unlike so many other tanning products, this particular one works well on my pale skin. Additionally, it is easy to use, doesn't go streaky, and has an affordable price tag. It just wouldn't be summer without a fabulous Jergens tan.

Sonoma Naturals Day and Night Serum Set

Finishing off this list are a couple of serums from Sonoma Naturals. This set is wonderful because it offers both a day and night option. The daytime serum has Vitamin C while the nighttime serum has Retinol. Both are effective, easy to apply, and have lots of skin care perks. They include: smoother skin, a radiant complexion, and anti-aging benefits. I am about halfway through the bottles and I've been using them for quite a long time now. This products works well (I continue to see improvements in my skin) and lasts for ages. It has absolutely been a favourite during the month of July.

Another favourite is the latest video up on my YouTube channel. I don't do a ton of tutorials on there (mostly because I get nervous applying makeup on wrong move and the look is ruined for all to see) but I'm pretty happy with the way this one turned out. It is a summer makeup tutorial featuring an elf eyeshadow palette:

Those are a few of my current makeup and beauty favourites. Be sure to sound off in the comment section below and let me know what you have been loving lately. 


  1. I follow you on gfc 1505 :)

  2. Rose Quartz Facial Roller, interesting product 😊 Thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. really nice post dear :) I like to read your blog :)

    1. Aww thank you! That is such a sweet thing to say :)

  4. Fabulous post!! I've been using Vitamin C serum religiously and I love it!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Ooh that sounds wonderful! So glad it's been working for you!

  5. nice haul love all of them need to try that jade roller.

    Have a nice day
    Kinza Khushboo
    Glamorous without the Guilt
    Bloglovin | Glamorous without the Guilt

  6. These all look so lovely! The Too Faced palette looks so stunning, I love the shades and wish I could smell through the screen haha! I would love to try a jade roller, yours looks so pretty :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Ha, I wish you could smell it too! It's honestly so lovely. Thank you!

  7. Tutti prodotti interessanti, mi piacciono i colori della seconda palette

    My Tester Food

  8. Love this look, Shannon:) Looking gorge as always. And that Barely There is just the perfect touch. And also, now...I want that Emily Edit palette:D
    Hope you have an awesome long weekend!

    1. Thank you! Honestly the Emily Edit palette is so good. I literally want to buy another one as a backup.


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