Wednesday, August 21, 2019

milani review: flowers of love blush set

Editing Note: Since Milani chose to contribute to a campaign that involved the harassment and bullying of a domestic violence survivor, I no longer support the brand and do not recommend their products. Spend your money wisely and look elsewhere. 


When it comes to blush, Milani always seems to wow. In the past, I've tried (and loved) several different blushes from the brand. That includes the Milani Powder Blush and the Milani Baked Blush. Both types impressed me with their beautiful designs and bold pigmentation. It just goes to don't need to spend a fortune on makeup to create a look that stands out. More recently, I have been incorporating the Milani Flowers of Love blush trio into my makeup looks. How does it perform? Here is all the essential information on this cheek product set.

Milani Flowers of Love Blush Set (Packaging)

Packaging doesn't have to be overly elaborate to leave a positive impression. Milani products are a wonderful example of this. Though the materials themselves are fairly standard (a plastic case with a clear lid), there is a hint of luxury thanks to that gold colour. The base and brand lettering is done in a beautiful shiny gold, which gives the illusion that this is a higher end item. Additionally, the blushes are stamped with an intricate floral design. Those small details really make a difference in the overall product experience. That being said, there is one aspect of the packaging I do not like. No names. On the back of the product, there is a sticker with information about how to use the blushes and what the blush trio is actually intended to do. However, there are no names given to the blushes. Not even 1, 2, 3. This may seem nitpicky but when the brand has gone out of their way to make the blushes look more high end....skipping out on simple shadow names seems like a real missed opportunity. 

Shade Selection and Pigmentation

As you can see from the pictures above, the shade selection is quite nice. You have a lighter shade (which is really more of a highlight than a blush), a medium shade (a soft almost coral tone), and a deeper shade (a warm and rich colour). This has a little bit of everything to keep makeup lovers satisfied. The pigmentation level is solid but it not as impressive as the Baked Blushes from the same brand. Each blush from this set gives off more of a beautiful everyday finish rather than a bold in-your-face look. The texture of each blush is very soft, smooth, and somewhat creamy. The blend into the skin with ease and have a lovely, luxurious feel. 

Overall Product Impressions

My overall impressions are fairly positive. I really enjoy these blush shades (and the soft highlight is a bonus as well) and they look wonderful on the skin. For the look above, I applied the medium shade on the cheeks, the deeper shade on the apples of the cheeks, and the highlight over top for a subtle dose of sparkle. The end result is natural and beautiful. However, it is important to note that my skin tone is quite fair. If you are someone that is medium to dark, I don't know that these shades would make much of an impact. The luxury factor (with the gold packaging, soft texture, and rose shaped blushes) is on point....but whether this works for you will really depend on your skin tone. There is one other option in the Flowers of Love line that is somewhat deeper but it appears that would only work for light to medium skin tones.

Rating: 4 / 5

This Milani blush set is beautiful to look at and creates a lovely natural look. It is a trio that I've been reaching for to finish off everyday makeup looks and softer styles. If you are looking for something that is nice and natural...consider giving the Milani Flowers of Love set a try.

On another makeup related note, my latest YouTube video is up. This is a demo and review of the L'Oreal Pro Glow Foundation. Find out how it performs:

Have you tried this blush trio? Are you a fan of Milani products?


  1. Very in depth review, I really like it! This is definitely getting on my wishlist ))

    1. Thank you very much! It's definitely worth adding to your wish list :)

  2. I love the shades of blush!! It looks beautiful on you!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Aww thank you! And yes, the shades are really beautiful.

  3. I really like it 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  4. Great post i really like it!
    New post -

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, me too. Milani has a lot of great products.

  6. I never bought this brand. Thanks for the advice, dear!

  7. The box looks so cute :-) And I like the color, but you are right, those colors work for quite pale people.

    1. Absolutely. I think it is better suited to fair skin, for sure.

  8. nice palette!


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